NovaStar5 Change log * Version (Jessie 64-bit and Stretch 64-bit release) Core system: -- [#177] installer - system and PostgreSQL time zone are now checked/set -- [#176] installer - apt package 'smbclient' Samba client is now included to support data import/export -- [#175] installer - include 'libgfortran3' package since installed by default only on Debian systems with desktop GUI -- [#174] installer - tomcat8 configuration file updated to follow symlinks for 'local' folder - fixed for tomcat8 -- [#172] installer - /var/www/html/temp added to support Operator getting output from NovaStar -- [#171] tomcat - fix so on Jessie only tomcat7 is searched for to manage, to avoid conflict with data web services -- [#170] desktop - now references URL to start Administrator, which will use default browser for user, also new CSS for Administrator -- [#165] installer - now defaults PostgreSQL to 200 connections -- [#163] installer - configuration 'system_id' is new to help TriLynx manage systems -- [#155] installer - Apache modules for reverse proxy are enabled -- [#154] documentation - add interactive documentation and improved general landing page -- [#153] tomcat - fix umask issue that broke cron file edits on stretch -- [#150] installer - add 'ftp' package, previously included 'lftp' but stretch needs 'ftp' -- [#145] nsdbbackup, nsdbrestore - remove obsolete -i option since not supported on stretch+ -- [#140] installer - 'net-tools' package has been added for stretch+, needed to install 'netstat' -- [#125] installer - remove obsolete 'libxp' package for stretch+ -- [#104] installer - properly handle insert/update of 'local_hostname' into configuration table Administrator: -- [#23] SHEF - SHEF report export has bad header line * Patch (TriLynx cleanup) -- these changes are catching up on a number of fixes Core system: -- [#149] nsdbfailover - fix bug due to check of number of nodes -- [#127] installer - fix was not handling command line arguments -- [#123] installer - require running as root/sudo from start -- [#113] installer - add tomcat8 to installer for stretch -- [#108] logrotate - add specific configuration for Debian jessie, stretch, and buster -- [#114] timestamp_to_seconds - fixed bug in database function -- [#99] installer - create /var/log/novastar5 folder earlier to avoid warnings -- [#97] fix bug where Debian jessie /etc/apt files where being copied incorrectly in installer -- [#96] add preliminary support for Debian stretch and buster -- [#95] nsdbupdatedatapartitiontrigger - fix bug where padding zero in end date was causing error -- [#93] database - change novastar database roles -- [#91] tomcat - update to check for tomcat 8, 9, 10 -- [#90] nsrecdata - handle very large packages -- [#89] nsrecdata - add ability to handle A2X status message -- [#88] nstime - fix bug where base year in time library will cause issues handling 2020+ dates -- [#87] dbfiler - fix bug caused by logging message trying to print null pointer -- [#58] rfo - fixed bug in rfo program causing crashes -- [#10] tomcat7 - change server.xml maxPostSize from 0 to -1 * Patch -- getstatparms, xmlrptexport, xmldataexport Point query by Id matches point ID and remote ID. If both returned, use point ID. -- nscomputerating.c Fixed line 322 lprt++. -- gif_scrn.c Fixed creation of temporary file name. -- David Leader Thu, 31 Sep 2017 * Patch -- JAVA Requires opendjk-7-jdk for JVM -- Map Data Display Added gtview shape display capability. Added cvgtp script to insert GTview templet files into NovaStar5 database map tables. Fixed display of bar text readout when null bar label. -- All list Changed list details from character list, ABCD..., to CSV list, 1,2,3,4,... -- nsrecdata Fixed decode of MMR water level when negative signed 3 byte data. -- nstimesync50386 Fixed retry logic to use connect attempt station parameter -- nstimesync50386all Log messages to file: /usr/ns/lib/50386timesync.log -- nsalertxmt Use -W # command argument to wait milliseconds between reports for ALERT2 receiver/decoder transmit options 5052RD-OP2 -- Point Type List Fixed display type string. -- nspollhydro50386 Added direct network connection to IP:port address in station connect path. Fixed socket write so program can work without ns50386server. Fixed network port assignment when serial port station follows network station. -- Report Data Display Use report designated sort instead of default for Fixed report title and panel display in export. Added padColumns=true parameter to pad column values with spaces to make columns the same width for export pages. Changed report point list limit from 5000 to 9000. -- David Leader Thu, 15 Sep 2016 * Patch -- nsoverduechk Check if alarms disabled for system in configuration table. -- nsrecdata Fixed ALERT2 binary receive decode when packet preceded by NULLs. Added decode of ALERT2 ASCII P packets with data filing for -g command argument. Used to look for missing ASCII N packets that should follow P Packets. Added log file selection with -l command argument. Added -G command argument alert2bn that prints ALERT2 ASCII N packets from ALERT2 binary packets. Used to compare ALERT2 binary packets received to ALERT2 ASCII packets received. Add full source address list to P, and N, log output. -- ns50386server Fixed reconnect error when receiving ALERT2 binary data instead of ScadaLynx Toolbox packets on shared network connection. -- nsdataimport Fixed read from standard input. Added date decode for format YYYYMMDD with no delimeters. -- nsdbnetcheck Fixed time wait before failover to use system clock time instead of number of timeouts. Fixed lock file check if not forced. Process ID in lock file must still be running. -- goessignalsim Added GOES Signal Engineering radio simulator for 50386 testing. -- view log file Added AND, OR, NOT test to match strings in log file view filters. Match string are NOT case dependent. Match string edit box expands as lines are added. Filter test must be first word on line, for example: AND MANT TS OR ID: NOT C, -- Postgresql 9.4 Fixed timestamp.sql script function timestamp_to_seconds(timestamp) that computes epoch seconds from a timestamp by changing: SELECT EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM $1)::integer; to SELECT EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM $1::TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE)::integer; -- nsdbcheck Strip "Disabled user triggers:" from database display when checking tables. -- dispshef Increased tagname size from 8 to 100 characters. -- Added lftp to insall. -- David Leader Thu, 13 July 2016 * Patch -- ALERT2 receive data, nsrecdata Fixed decode of TBR report floating point accumulator. Combined ASCII and Binary decode logic. Check for two byte report lengths. -- All data collection Fixed error that crashed data collection programs when reports already on file were updated by station polling after alarm checking. -- Replication Restored install of postgresql slony for Debian jessie version. Changed order of replication tables in /usr/ns/install/etc/nsdbrep-tables.conf to allow replication setup to fill-in the backup and slave database without copying the database to backup or slave servers. The default NovaStar5 database must be installed and the data partition tables from the starting year must be defined. Changed order of replication sequences in /usr/ns/install/etc/nsdbrep-sequences.conf to match nsdbrep-tables.conf changes. Changed order of tables defined in /usr/ns/install/sql/nsbschema.sql to match nsdbrep-tables.conf table order. Patched /usr/ns/install/nsdbrep/nsdbrepsetup to force a setup update of the replication network states. Patched /usr/ns/install/nsdbrep/nsdbrepconfnetwork to ignore replication nodes marked as failed when executed with setup flag. -- Data Import page Fixed point selection use in nsdataimport command to use point numeric ID instead of point table index. -- David Leader Thu, 11 Feb 2016 * Patch -- Data analysis Fixed web page data analysis error when 12 hour time period starts before DST change and ends after DST change. -- Data import Changed data import from log files to use raw data when same as scaled data. This calibrates the logged data filed when calibration data was not available to computed the scaled data in the log file. When unable to computed the scaled data, the scaled data value is set to the raw data value. Patched nsdataimport to accept fileName label and other option labels in lower case (e.g. filename=...). Added -r command argument to force recalibration of raw data instead of filing scaled data. Fixed nsrecdadtalogimport default starting time to start of day. -- nsdbmaintenance Changed cron file to execute program at 9:04AM instead of midnight so problems it may cause happen when people are at work instead of at midnight. Removed nsdbrepcheck from daily check. This is now done by nsdbmaintenance. Execute nsdbupdatedatapartitiontrigger with -yearEnd command argument. Fixed year end data logic to add all of next year when current month is December. Added data table lock and 5 second timeout to psql create table commands. Changed log file output to use timestampOutput with tee to log file instead of writing to a file and appending to log file. -- nsdbupdatedatapartitiontrigger Added support for -yearEnd command argument. Added start year, start month, end year, end month command arguments. -- nsbeep Replace wave file play program with aplay for Wheezy distribution. -- All pages Fixed menu hide/show for chrome browser. Added chromium browser install to NovaStar5 install -- nssiren,/usr/ns/etc/init.d/nssiren nssiren_hormann nssiren_hormann_simulator Added Hormann siren control program and simulator program Added siren number to siren trigger. -- nssiren_trigger Added Hormann siren alarm action program -- novastar5 Added nssiren start/stop support. To enable nssiren add row in configuration table with name: siren value: true Add siren port for control in configuration table with name: siren_port1 value: /dev/tty name -- nshealthcheck Added nssiren health check. -- Configuration Edit page Added support for siren and siren_port. -- nsdbrepair_5_1_4_5 Add database_replication to configuration table if not defined. Add license_key to end of year in configuration table if not defined. -- View Log File Fixed java heap space error when reading zipped log files over 1 MB. -- Changed header, footer, about, contract pages to show TriLynx name, address, and contacts. -- Added individually comments for database view columns. -- Report Display, reportgen Patched reportgen to use time and point files defined in report if time intervals or points not imported. -- Replication setup /usr/ns/install/nsdbrep/nsdbrepsetup, /usr/ns/install/nsdbrep/nsdbrepstartnode Moved display of replication start node replication message display from setup to start node script. Display but do not execute replication stop, update, start in test mode. -- Replication drop /usr/ns/install/nsdbrep/nsdbrepdrop Restart postgresql database on all replication nodes before dropping replication. Fix error that stopped replication on slave nodes but not backup nodes. Removed exit that terminated script before replication cluster was dropped. -- David Leader Mon, 21 Dec 2015 * Patch -- Added comments to novastar database. -- All web pages Change label on edit pages from 'Table row:' to 'Table index:' to match list details. -- novastar5 Remove nsdbmaintenance and nslogmaintenance from start and stop command scripts. -- ns50386server Do not disconnect and reconnect on packet timeout when partial packet received. -- Alarm State table Changed alarm_state name from action to hidden for id=4. -- Alarm Point List Fixed error when alarm trigger had no name. -- Alarm Trigger Edit page Changed action only label to hidden to beter represent parameter function. Changed alarm_trigger table action_only column name to hidden. Alarm triggers that are hidden do not display and do not set the alarm flag in the data report. -- Data Edit page Fixed point select for guest users. -- Data collection, nsrecdata Display message when source line does not match any station receive lines. On receive timeout, reconnect, then wait timeout interval again before sounding alarm. Force a reread of database reports to refresh buffer data reports after report report interval to prevent duplicate reports from being filed that are 1 seconds apart. Display ALERT2 test transmit PDU type. -- Rating table computation Fixed founding error for loglog interpolation that return output values of 0.0001 instead of 0 when level value equals index value for 0 discharge. -- nsdbmaintenance Log start and stop times. Always run nsdbrepcheck for replicated systems even if no data partition tables added. -- Data export and import /usr/ns/bin/nsdataexport,/usr/ns/bin/nsdataimport Fixed program hang when database replication sync in progress. Added SMB data import. Added product file delete after export to remove files from local server. Added remote delete after import to remove files from remote server. Added timeout to data filing. -- Data import /usr/ns/bin/nsdataimport Fixed program hang when database replication sync in progress. Added SMB data import. Added product file delete after export to remove files from local server. Added remote delete after import to remove files from remote server. Display error, do not execute import command if missing critical parameters such as host name or file name. Time stamp all import lines displayed and logged. -- Replication setup /usr/ns/install/nsdbrep/nsdbrepsetup Add custom database tables and sequences defined in the following files to NovaStar5 database replication set 1. /usr/ns/etc/local/nsdbrep-tables.conf - start custom table id numbers at 1001. /usr/ns/etc/local/nsdbrep-sequences.conf - start custom sequence id numbers at 1001. /usr/ns/install/nsdbrep/nsdbrepadddatatablestoset1 Limit data partition table replication with configuration table entry 'database_replication_year_start'. Expand data partition creation to year end with configuration table entry 'year_end_data'. /usr/ns/etc/nsdbrep-datatables.conf - List of data partition tables that are replicated. -- Replication repair /usr/ns/bin/nsdbrepcheck Add custom database tables and sequences defined in the following files to NovaStar5 database replication set 1. /usr/ns/etc/local/nsdbrep-tables.conf - start custom table id numbers at 1001. /usr/ns/etc/local/nsdbrep-sequences.conf - start custom sequence id numbers at 1001. Limit data partition table replication with configuration table entry 'database_replication_year_start'. Expand data partition creation to year end with configuration table entry 'year_end_data'. /usr/ns/etc/nsdbrep-datatables.conf - List of data partition tables that are replicated. -- Database check /usr/ns/bin/nsdbcheck Define local tables in database to prevent errors in configuration file: /usr/ns/etc/local/nsdbcheck.conf -- Map table Increased ima_path parameter length to 1000 characters. -- Scheduler table Increased command parameter length to 1000 characters. -- Station control Added station control page. -- System limit table Changed value and options parameters to character varying(1000). Added description parameter character varying(1000). -- David Leader Fri, 4 Sep 2015 * Patch -- Data collection programs Fixed data table lock hang when network connection to master database lost. Remote servers now reread the master database hostname from the configuration table before attempting a reconnect. This will now detect a change in master database hostname by a failover. -- Postgresql restart Added command argument restart-all to stop NovaStar5 and tomcat, then restart postgresql, then restart NovaStar5 and tomcat. Added command argument restart-novastar to stop NovaStar5, then restart postgresql, then restart NovaStar5. -- Configuration edit page Added configuration name database_replication_check to enable/disable replication failover checking and set replication check timeout interval (default: 1 minute). Added replication repair command button. Executes nsdbrepcheck -f to fix replication table errors. Added replication restore command button. Executes /usr/ns/install/nsdbreprestore to make node rejoin replication after failover. -- Replication failover /usr/ns/install/nsdbrep/nsdbrepfailover Restart postgresql database with restart-novastar to unlock database after replication crash. In a two node replication system, failover on backup or slave node disconnects replication, but leaves structure intact for later restore, set replication state to failover. Data and alarms are stored in local database. In a three or more node replication system, failover on backup node switches former master type to backup, change backup type to master, sets replication state to failover, exports replication structure to slave nodes. Data and alarms are stored in former backup node (new master) database. In a three or more node replication system, failover on slave node former backup node becomes new failover master, leaves replication state as slave. Data and alarms are stored in former backup node (new master) database. -- Replication setup and repair /usr/ns/install/nsdbrep/nsdbrepsetup Add custom database tables and sequences defined in the following files to NovaStar5 database replication set 1. /usr/ns/etc/local/nsdbrep-tables.conf - start custom table id numbers at 1001. /usr/ns/etc/local/nsdbrep-sequences.conf - start custom sequence id numbers at 1001. Restart postgresql database with restart-novastar to unlock database after replication crash. -- Replication repair /usr/ns/bin/nsdbrepcheck Add custom database tables and sequences defined in the following files to NovaStar5 database replication set 1. /usr/ns/etc/local/nsdbrep-tables.conf - start custom table id numbers at 1001. /usr/ns/etc/local/nsdbrep-sequences.conf - start custom sequence id numbers at 1001. -- Replication restore /usr/ns/install/nsdbrep/nsdbreprestore Rejoins a node the current replication in place. -- Replication check /usr/ns/bin/nsdbnetcheck Checks configuration table for database_replication_check to get enable/disable replication failover checking (default: enabled) and get replication check timeout interval (default: 1 minute). Replication checks have a 5 second timeout but quit after check timeout interval met. -- sendrpt, nsimportdatarpt File rating data for point ID/r# where # is the rating table number. Do not quit on blank line. Skip comment lines that start with #. Fixed invalid time display if not provided. Fixed use of default field order. Prevent filing of data if station receive line numbers do not match source line number. -- starpt, nsimportdatarpt File rating data for point where SHEF PE code matches assigned rating SHEF PE CODE. Do not quit on blank line. Skip comment lines that start with #. Fixed use of default field order. Prevent filing of data if station receive line numbers do not match source line number. -- Point Add page Fixed error that displays all alarm triggers when Add button clicked on Point list. -- nsnetcat Changed network serial pipe logic to use scp file transfers instead of TCP pipes. All activity logged to /usr/ns/log/nsnetcat.log nsatisirenfilter renamed to nsatifilter for Linux pgrep pattern limitation. -- Data Export page, nsdataexport Fixed ftp, pftp script error that overwrote login name and password. -- SHEF report, dispshef Flush output after each line to insure NovaStar5 webpage reads an entire line when displaying or exporting data report. -- Map Data Display Do not read display parameters from cookie when mapDataDisplay called, only use URL parameters. Do not write display parameters to cookie when mapDataDisplay called. -- Plot Data Display Do not read display parameters from cookie when plDataDisplay called, only use URL parameters. Do not write display parameters to cookie when plDataDisplay called. -- Report Data Display Do not read display parameters from cookie when reportDataDisplay called, only use URL parameters. Do not write display parameters to cookie when reportDataDisplay called. Always execute reportgen with -G command argument and do not supply template file names. Append point/analysis to reportgen only wehn report point override flag set. -- Report Edit page Added report_template column to report table for reportgen template storage. Renamed report_header to report title in report table. Do not write point, time, or template files on apply, use file specific export buttons instead. -- Tabular Data Display Do not read display parameters from cookie when tabularDataDisplay called, only use URL parameters. Do not write display parameters to cookie when tabularDataDisplay called. -- nsdbaccess.log Eliminated duplicate writing of web page requests for exact same request at same time. -- reportgen Modified program to read all report information from database when -G # command argument used. Override report points flagged with points provided on command line. Fixed time interval logic imported from time files. -- David Leader Thu, 11 June 2015 * Patch -- All pages Changed View button to Edit if user has edit permissions. -- Database replication nsdbmaintanance, nsdbtrimid, novastar5, nsalarmemail, nshealthcheck Added new host replication category: backup Backup is like a slave host except it will perform a failover if the master fails. Added database_state_node# to configuration table to store remote host replication state and alarm trigger. Master and backup nodes will trigger alarms when remote host state changes from host type; except when state is setup or disabled. -- Data display pages Prevent rounding of starting or ending time supplied as command arguments. Previously times were rounded to time of day time increment. -- nsdbpassword Fixed test of hostname in .pgpass to look at start of line. This prevents a partial match. -- nsupdate Fixed desktop icon to execute /usr/ns/bin/nsupdate. Previously it executed /usr/bin/nsupdate which would get linked to the Linux Dynamic DNS update utility. -- Data Edit page Removed erroneous error message that row limit exceeded. -- Data Export page Added filenames to export product with parameter translation for point and station information. Added plot image export. Added SMB file transfer. Added tabular data export. Added multiple point select for plots and reports with point override. Export schedule not replicated, save on local node only. -- Data Import page Import schedule not replicated, save on local node only. Added station poll log file import. Added point filter for receive data log and station poll log data import. -- Plot Data Image, Creates and returns the plot image only, no HTML. -- AlertTalk 3 Edit Fixed display of ALERT Talk 3 parameters for all units. -- Map Display Edit Fixed display of map point parameters for all units. Fixed map display lamp control on point list to work when all units are shown. Changed nsmapdisplay command to use nsmapdisplay -u # -c lamp -l # -s # -- nsalarmtrigger Added -r # command argument to reset an alarm trigger. Needed for nsdbnetcheck network down alarm reset when network restored. -- Report Data page, dispshef Fixed SHEF report to use report interval. -- Report Edit page Added XML file output. Changed report column table type, data_type, link_type fields from integer to character varying(100). Dropped link_name column. Rename link_type column to data_format. Data format field selects XML attribute or node for data. Numeric value changed to text values. Column types are now: point,pointType,station,stationType,data,text. Added more point,pointType,station,stationType parameter displays to data type lists. point parameters: description,index,label,name,outOfService,pointId,remoteId,sensorId,tagName point type parameters: uabbr,units,unit,description,index,name,nameShort,shefParameterCode station parameters: description,elevation,index,latitudeDecimal,latitudeDegrees,longitudeDecimal,longitudeDegrees, name,outOfService,pollTime,remoteTag,stationId,tagName station type parameters: description,index,name -- Log file rotation Set proper file permissions for /etc/logrotate.d/novastar5 -- Orbcomm station polling, nspollhydro5400 Changed automatic station polling to limit start to the stop time less station sample time limit when defined. Manual polling is not affected by the sample time limit. -- nsdbbackup No longer backup master database from backup or slave nodes. Data partition rules were replaced by triggers so backup from slave or backup node possible. -- Point Type Edit page Changed abbreviation label to short name, increase edit field length to page width. Added point type short name to point list and point pick. -- install Fixed postgresql pg_hba.conf insert of office network when netmask is -- User Group Edit page Fixed assignment of database records to user groups. -- apache web pages Added psql access to novastar5 database. -- Plot Data Display Added support for plotTimeInterval in command arguments to set plot time increment. Fixed display of plot annotations when relative time scale selected. -- Tabular Data Display Fixed point View button link when point pick list activated. -- David Leader Thu, 02 Apr 2015 * Patch -- All list pages Changed details selection to popup window to be consistant with pick list details. -- All data request pages Changed Cancel button to Back. -- All pages Eliminated irregular back button performance. Clear top and bottom banner error messages with start or end time errors corrected. -- Login Removed login from tomcat and added JSP window. Login name and password can be saved. Current user and role are read from login cookie. -- Map Edit page Increased annotation and point link strings to 1000. -- Command execution: nssystemcommand Fixed multiple command execution on same line separated by ; -- SHEF report Display report title at top of report and panel title at top of panel. Titles are not displayed if no data output. Added SHEF E format. Added time display in UTC. Added multi-panel support. -- reportgen Display data reports not flagged valid if /nochk analysis switch set. -- /usr/ns/install/sql/data_partition.sql Fixed search for newest data partition table. Older version returned data_import_user_group_xref instead of data_2015_02. -- /usr/ns/bin/reportgen Fixed memory fault when group name printed in template but not defined. -- /usr/ns/install/etc/nsdbrep-tables.conf /usr/ns/install/etc/nsdbrep-sequences.conf Added data_export and data_import table to replication lists. -- /usr/ns/bin/nsdataimportrpt Fixed error that skip first report when station changed. -- List pages and edit pages with list Include delete button in list. -- Configuration Edit page Added name specific parameter set up help. Option parameter lists are parsed and individual parameter set up is provided. Added pick list showing all possible names to add. -- Data Edit page Added row limit to override 5000 row limit. Modified /etc/tomcat/server.xml Connector to support large data edit row counts. maxPostSize="0" maxParameterCount="1000000" Fixed incremental precipitation computation when row added and report time sort descending. Fixed lazy proxy crash on save while reading point type display digits. -- Point edit page Added rating computation to revalidation wizard -- Rating Assign Edit page Do not store table number for precipitation increment, total, storm rating assignments. -- Report edit page Fixed import of points from list file to match point ID or tag name. -- Wind speed computation from wind run Added support for computation of wind speed wind run without wind direction. Set point type class to ALERTWIND and cycle size to 2048. -- Tabular Data Display Added multiple point select with horizontal or vertical orientation. -- David Leader Fri, 20 Feb 2015 * Upgrade -- database Changed data partition insert rule to trigger increase new data filing speed. -- Data Export page Added data export page to create, schedule, test data export of reports, maps, plots with file transfers using cp, ftp, lftp, pftp, sftp. -- Data Import page Added data import page for manual and automatic data import of data for SHEF, 5096, 5096/A2, 50386, 50386/A2, nsrecdata.log, and programmable with file transfers using cp, ftp, lftp, pftp, sftp. -- amd64 Added support for Debian amd64 and i386 OS versions, wheezy and jessie NovaStar5 install program names reflact OS versions: novastar5install-amd64.exe novastar5install-i386.exe -- sudoers Added /etc/sudoers.d/sudoers_path to install. Include in /etc/sudoers -- java Added default-jdk to install replacing openjdk and sun-java. -- data collection, nsrecdata Fixed ALERT2 future timestamp computation when packet arrives just after 00:00:00 and 12:00:00 UTC. Fixed false disabled state when database_replication not defined. Use sensor id to match points for ALERT2 MSR reports. -- dispshef Fixed memory overflow when many points were requested. Optimized database query for high speed return of scaled and rating data. Read points and time span from database report for argument -G # (where 3 is the report number). Do not display missing data by default. Added -M STRING to enable missing data display with STRING. -- nsshefimport Added NWS SHEFPARS decoder for SHEF data input Station points matched to station tag or ID and point type SHEF parameter code. -- rating computation Recompute rating for data reports newer than report filed. Fixes future incremental rainfall filed out of order. -- database replication Insert '-f /usr/ns/etc/dbrep.conf' option for database_replication in nsdbrep setup -- Alarm Trigger page Fixed alarm trigger database transaction error when blank alarm trigger names are automatically computed. -- Configuration table Added description column. -- All pages Fixed all records saves to get changes within the local connection transaction, commit local transaction, before open master connection and save record. Use body background color for menu background color. -- nsnetcat Set serial port parameters to raw and no echo. Log hex data to /usr/ns/log/nsnetcat-PORT#.log Added -f command argument to define serial port filter program. -- Merged NovaStar5 webpage development from NovaStar5UI/DB to a single NovaStar5. All classes under com/hydrolynx/novastar5 -- command execution Changed JNI class to com_hydrolynx_novastar5_util_ExecuteCommand to match new class directory structure. -- tomcat7 Save /tomcat/local folder before upgrading from tomcat6 to tomcat7 then restore folder after tomcat install setup. Moved start-stop script from /etc/init.d/tomcat7 to /usr/ns/etc/init.d/tomcat Added system_command database table to execute tomcat commands without using java native interface (jni) New command nsdbsystemcommand executes commands written to table rows. -- Calibration Edit page Fixed baseset get data display for selected time period. Fixed recalibration to compute rainfall season total. Fixed comparision of double values on save to ignove miniscule differences -- Data Edit page Fixed rating recomputation to end of water year limited to one day in future to prevent database errors on query of data partition table not year added. -- Point Edit page Added expand/collapse button to point ID parameters. On expand show all point Id parameters, on collapse only show parameters for stations type. Added Reset button to update tag name for point Id change. -- Point Delete page Fixed error in deleting point data when point deleted. Delete point data reports in a batch using data partition tables. -- Rating Assign Edit page Added SHEF parameter code column. Added rating output to dispshef using rating assignment SHEF parameter code. Fixed rating computation for new rating assignment to only do selected point, not all points. -- NovaStar5 data collection start Moved data collection start-stop scripts from /etc/init.d to /usr/ns/etc/init.d -- NovaStar5 update Modified nsupdate to store NovaStar5 install program is real user novastar5update folder when program started with sudo. -- Map Data Display Fixed image file size reading hang. Fixed Home page map pick query for users not logged in. Do not add score to marker name when "none". -- Report Edit page Fixed rewrite of reportgen files in /usr/ns/rpt/... Temporary write file was deleted before copy command executed. -- User Edit page Delete user removes user from maps, plots, reports. -- Scheduler Edit page Novastar5 user cron file rewrite temporary file delete is now done by command. This allows nsdbsystemcommand to complete before temporary file is deleted by java script. -- David Leader Fri, 16 Jan 2015 * Upgrade -- ALERT2 data collection, nsrecdata Fixed 12 hour time shift of data when ALERT2 receiver time newer than NovaStar5 time. Now 12 hour time shift only occurs if timestamp > 1 hour from current time. -- David Leader Tue, 11 Nov 2014 * Upgrade -- ALERT2 data collection, nsrecdata Changed filing of invalid floating point data to store 0 and set questioned flag. Fixed network reconnect on timeout memory leak. -- Data Edit page Increased data report edit row limit from 5,000 to 10,000. -- Email alarm action Fixed test for system alarm to run on local server instead of master server. -- Report Data Display Fixed export of reportgen reports. Export file extensions changed from .txt to .csv -- Seasonal rainfall computation Upgraded computation to allow seasonal rainfall start at any hour of the day, not just the start of a month. -- nsfiles-ssh-backup New procedure to copy files from one novaStar5 server to another. -- reportgen Fixed count of non-zero period values to use zero limit for point. -- tomcat7 Save /tomcat/local folder before upgrading from tomcat6 to tomcat7. -- David Leader Wed, 15 Oct 2014 * Upgrade -- autostart of NovaStar5 map Added support for tomcat7. -- Alarm checking Commit data reports to database before starting alarm actions. -- nsrecdata Fixed error that closed all network socket connections when one connection closed. -- Report data display Fixed multi-panel display of reportgen reports. Do not reset start time to be before end time when report request does not show end time. -- Updated all source to match Wheezy development platform. -- David Leader Fri, 22 Aug 2014 * Upgrade -- install Added nodebianinstall to novastar5install.exe to prevent debian software check and install. -- Data display pages Changed class variable name to dataClass to fix browser errors in map,plot,report,tabular data display. -- Forecast Update page Use station remote tag to get basin Id. If remote tag not define, basin Id is extracted from station numeric Id digits 2 and 3. Fixed simulation data filing to insert new reports not already on file. -- Map Data Display page Use direct point link when external link defined for point and map display in panel ( This supports map page link on external web page servers. -- nsalarmemail,nsdbrep Launch point email alarms on master node when triggered on slave node. Added debug logging to /usr/ns/log/nsalarmemail.log. Added nsdbrep show parameters to get database replication parameters. -- postgresql-9.1 Get postgresql version from /usr/ns/bin/postgresql -v -- tomcat7 Get tomcat version from /usr/ns/bin/tomcat -v Assign default-java to openjdk6 or 7. -- David Leader Thu, 31 Jul 2014 * Upgrade -- Active Alarm List, Historic Alarm List, alarmdisp Added display of alarm trigger limits and well as alarm values. alarmdisp now has 4 new format options 8,9,10,11 that display the alarm limit instead of the alarm value alarmdisp -f8 -- User Group Edit page Fixed error in user group station assignment caused by station type pick list lazy initialization. -- David Leader Wed, 2 Jul 2014 * Upgrade -- Active Alarm List page Fixed sort so active alarm records not containing sorted fields are appended to end of list. -- Alarm Action Edit page Added Alarm details selection for email alarm messages. Email alarms can show trigger values instead of alarm values. Increased alarm action and options limits to 1000 characters. -- ALERT2 data collection Added ALERT2 binary support for nsrecdata with command argument: -G alert2b ALERT2 decoder binary network port: 4201 -- nsalarmtrigger Fixed use of negative alarm limit value in command line arguments: -v -1 Added -test command argument to alarm programs started for alarm tests. -- nsalarmemail Alarm message programmable in Alarm Action page. Added -test command argument for use by test alarms. Test alarms prefix alarm message and email subject with "TEST". -- nscomputeequation Fixed equation computation error that changed import value to score value before computation. For example the air temperature value was set to 1 for the dew point temperature computation. -- Map Data Display Limit data query to 1 day in future even if no report interval is greater than 1 day. -- Rating Table Edit page Fixed double import of rating table rows when rating table copied. -- reportgen Fixed error in reading time file from reporttimes.cfg -- David Leader Fri, 20 Jun 2014 * Upgrade -- All pages Upgrade to Hibernate-3.2 to allow data table read,write,delete using data partition table names. Fixed update of top and bottom error messages. Fixed postgresql-9.1 configuration to allow database save of single quotes in text. -- All programs and web pages Date and time can be entered as: MM/DD/YYYY-HH:MM:SS where / can be [/+-., ] - or : are any non digit YYYY/MM/DD-HH:MM:SS where / can be [/+-., ] - or : are any non digit +#[smhd...] Time offset added to current time -#[smhd...] Time offset subtracted from current time Web page argument + sign must be escaped, for example change +1hour to %2B1hour -- Alarm email, nsalarmemail Replace _HOSTNAME_ in FROM options with server host name. -- Alarm Point page Added pointNumid=## command argument. -- Calibration Edit page Protect rainfall calibration records from delete on recalibration when multiplier changed. -- data collection Changed floating point data encoding for database storage to maximize precision to 16 digits. -- data validation Changed repeat report logic to delete questioned report received first that is followed by report with a valid data value within the repeat report interval. Increase allowed change for past report validation only when valid report values change. -- database check Fixed database check to allow postgresql-9.1 slony truncate triggers. -- Data Edit page Fixed data edit copy record. Improved data edit save and delete transaction time by using data table partition names. Increased length of data edit details window -- Forecast page Fixed nsautosim parameter file update contents alignment. -- Map Data Display page When testing point data for display on map between lower and upper limits, use zero limit of point data to set tested data value to 0 when at or below zero limit. Zero limit computed as 5. / 10 ** (scaledDataDigits + 1) -- Plot Display page Fixed plot panel read for display. -- Rating Table Edit page Fixed rating table import to set index and output display digits so no precision lost on save. Fixed delete of all rating rows. Recompute ratings on reports in database newer than report filed. This recomputes incremental rainfall rating when reports filed out of time order. -- Report Data Display page Changed reportgen, precipitation report output display to textarea so XML data can be seen. Export report data as an attachment so browser offer choice of open or save. Export of reportgen, precipitation report data does not show header. Fixed reportgen time file period computation for monthly intervals. -- Tabular Data Display page Export data as an attachment so browser offer choice of open or save. -- David Leader Fri, 30 May 2014 * Upgrade -- Data Import page Added data import page and program nsimportdata. -- Calibration Edit page Improved display speed of recalibrate command. Fixed rating computation. -- Configuration Edit page Improved display speed of novastar5 start,stop,restart commands. -- Data Edit page Update data edit field values that are changed by precipitation computations. Improved speed of precipitation computation when updating from edit time to current time. -- Forecast Edit page Improved display speed of forecast command. -- Map Edit page Fixed display of use score when default selected. -- Point Edit page Improved display speed of revalidate,compress,computewindspeed commands. -- Rating Assign Edit page Improved display speed of rating computation command. -- Rating Table Edit page Improved display speed of rating import command. Fixed import from file names with spaces. Skip table header lines that have no digits. Append rating rows imported directly onto rating table edit page. -- Scheduler Edit page Improved display speed of scheduler commands. -- Station Poll page Improved display speed of station poll command. -- David Leader Mon, 28 Apr 2014 * Upgrade -- All list pages Added command argument support for listDetail:,detail2,... Separate detail labels with commas. Details are not case sensitive and do not contain spaces. -- ALERT receive data, nsrecdata, sendrpt Fixed logging of data reports not defined in database. -- Alerttalk3 Edit page Read alerttalk3 host names and ports from configuration table: alerttalk3_node1 hostname:port alerttalk3_node2 hostname:port and removed configuration file /usr/ns/etc/nsalerttalk3.conf Fixed dial stop when alarm acknowledged. -- Boot log Added bootlogd to Linux install list. -- Map Display Edit page Fixed map display control for single lamps on units > 1. Read map display host names and ports from configuration table: map_display_node1 hostname:port map_display_node2 hostname:port and removed configuration file /usr/ns/etc/nsmapdisplay.conf -- Alarm Point List page Added alarm trigger message to details. -- Map Data Plot Request page Fixed data analysis request memory. -- Point Pick Details Fixed out of service and user scope selection. -- Report Data Display page Fixed report time display when analysis time offset used at daylight savings time transition. -- Report Edit Page Added ability to hide point, time, and interval columns. Added column totals as well as row totals. Totals available for point in columns, intervals in columns, intervals in rows. -- NovaStar5 start Updated novastar5 start scripts to use Wheezy log messages. -- Point Delete page Fixed point delete when data reports in database. -- Station poll csv file, nspollcsv Added command argument to save import files to folder on source host. -C copyFolder Added nspollhydro5096 for HydroLynx 5096 telephone station polling. -- View Log File page Fixed use of matched string filter on refresh. -- David Leader Mon, 07 Apr 2014 * Upgrade -- Active Alarm page Optimized no report alarm checking program nsoverduechk to speed up checking. -- Alarm email Added alarm trigger type description (above,below,rise,fall,at) to alarm email message. -- Calibration Edit page Added constraint to prevent duplicate point calibrations for same effective time. Recalibration tool: nsdbrecalibrate Fixed data calibration of encoder sensors to add calibration records for data rollover. Unused calibration records are deleted. -- Data Analysis Fixed memory error for last report when no data available for point. Fixed data_analysis_interval_list return of obsolete data in interval_data when no report interval exceeded. Now NULL data is returned to indicate missing data. -- Data Edit page Fixed refile of all data reports when data list sorted and reports at top of list deleted. Fixed data edit window apply when data report add was quit leaving blank record. -- data collection Fixed receive data memory leak caused by source address addition to log data record. Fixed hang on data collection termination when data reports buffered but unable to file them. Added delay to sendrpt data table lock retry to improve data lock competition with nsrecdata. Fixed display of data reports received but not filed. Fixed repeat filing of equation data reports one second apart. Optimized filing of data reports for same point by buffering data checking report list, calibration list, alarm trigger list, alarm list, equation list. Fixed alarm reset checking for alarms older than no report interval. Compute equation data within same data table lock period. -- Equation computation Fixed equation computation for logical tests with no point ID. -- Log files Added program nslogfilesearch to find strings in NovaStar5 log files. Usage: nslogfilesearch LOGFILE LOGFILELIMIT MATCHSTRING where LOGFILE is the log file name (e.g. nsrecdata.log), LOGFILELIMIT is how far back in log file rotation to search (default: 0), MATCHSTRING is the string to match (default: match all) -- Map Display page Fixed IE map background menu to find points on map by highlighting readout or marker borders. -- Map Edit page Fixed save error when map annotations are copied. -- Receive data refile Added program recdatalogrefile to refile receive data logged but not filed. Usage: recdatalogrefile MATCHSTRING LINES LOGFILELIMIT where MATCHSTRING can be a date time, LINES are the sources lines to refile (default: 1), and LOGFILELIMIT is how far back in log file rotation to search (default: 9). -- Rating Assign page Fixed storm total rating computation detection of no rain interval. Refile past data reports when storm total rating changed. Fixed computation of ratings when rating assignment numbers skipped. -- station polling Fixed program nspollcsv when no remote ftp folder defined. Fixed program nspollcoeresvdata to use station type timeout and improved data parsing efficiency. Optimized filing of data reports for same point by buffering data filing lists. -- David Leader Wed, 12 Mar 2014 * Upgrade -- Calibration Edit page Fixed recalibration tool to compute ALERT wind speed/direction and digital status. -- Alarm Action page nsalarmemail Fixed message display position for email alarm actions Support multiple message lines for email alarm triggers. Adjust modem name field width to fit longer modem names. -- Alarm Pager Analog nspageranalog,nspageranalogdial Added support for modem use other NovaStar5 nodes Define modem alias in serial port table with //hostname, for example //novastar5b/dev/mdm1 When alarm is triggered, the alarm action will execcute on the hostname. Removed spaces from time delay arguments passed to nspageranalogdial -- data_last_report sql query Fixed search for last report at end of month so report on month boundary returned. -- Plot Data Display, Report Data Display Fixed default display of point digits Point data analysis can be set with arguments pointAnalysis or analysis. Point data class can be set with arguments pointDataClass or dataClass. Point display digits can be set with arguments pointDisplayDigits or displayDigits. Point display score can be set with arguments pointDisplayScore or displayScore. -- reportgen Fixed memory error when overlaying output lines. -- Station Poll page Fixed station poll command to include ending time. ScadaLynx 50386 polling no longer displays packets from other stations when diagnostic level = 0. Added polling program nspollcsv to file data from csv files downloaded by http, ftp, or shared file systems. -- David Leader Mon, 27 Jan 2014 * Upgrade -- Alarm List page Fixed alarm list trigger limit request. -- Alarm Action Edit page Renamed nspageremail command to nsalarmemail. Renamed alarm_pager table to alarm_contact. Renamed alarm action log files from pager#.log to alarmaction#.log Added contact order column to alarm action contact assignment. Added email server field to page. Update sendmail configuration if changed. -- Alarm checking Fixed problem of duplicate alarms when future data triggers alarm before past data. Data alarm checking now looks forward as well as backwards from the data report time to check if alarm is already active. -- Alarm Trigger Edit page Increased support of alarm messages up to 1000 characters long in email alarm actions. Renamed column trigger_when_unmet to trigger_when_reset. -- Alarm Point List page Added alarm point list to alarm menu. Map point parameter alarm link changed to alarm point list. -- nsalarmtrigger Added command argument -A to log alarm only, do not start action. -- Alerttalk3 Changed alarm trigger to only activate AlertTalk3 dialer with point assigned. -- Calibration Edit page Changed calibration time reset button to two state toggle. First state sets calibration time to current time. Second state set calibration time to start of time: 01/01/1970 00:00:00. Added adder term to the point data calibration. New calibration formula is: raw * multiplier + adder + base_value. Encoder recalibration for roll-over disabled when point is out of service. -- Configuration Edit page Added NovaStar5 license key support. -- data analysis All web page analysis is done internally. This eliminates the single threaded bottleneck for native data analysis requests. Storm rainfall analysis now uses storm rainfall rating. Season rainfall analysis added to display season rainfall total from rating. Rain analysis now returns LAST score and flags instead of MAX. -- database check Added support for Postgresql 9.1 -- data collection nsrecdata displays source address for logged messages. Fixed error that crashed program when PDU floating point data received for a station point not defined. -- data filing Maintenance flag is set for data report filed when point is out of service. Real-time data collection buffers data when data table locked and retries filing after 5 seconds. All other data filing waits until data table lock released. Data collection programs wait until buffered data is filed before terminating. -- database replication Extended replication sync time during setup to prevent timeouts. Fixed replication running check to look for slon process instead of PID stored in /var/run file. This fixed problem of replication continually restarting with PID in file was not correct. Added automatic database replication check and repair every night at 1am. This is to repair problems in adding new data partitions by nsdbmaintenance at midnight. -- data validation Past reports out of lower and upper limits are no longer validated by newer reports when change between report limit is met. nsdbvalidate uses 1day as the default no report interval if not defined for point. -- Data Edit page Raw data is stored as a double precision floating point. Scaled data column in data table renamed from calib_val to scaled_val. Calibration id column in data table rename dfrom calib_id to calibration_id. Rating computations are now done internally. When scaled data or rating assignment is changed, rating values are recomputed. If point has incremental ratings (e.g. Precipitation) then rating values are recomputed on flags changed. If incremental rating values are changed then all ratings values are recomputed from time of first report changed to end of water year. Incremental total annual rainfall starting month is the month in the rating assignment effective time. The configuration table row wateryear_startmonth is no longer used. Added raw data decimal digits selection. Maintenance flag checked unchecks valid flag. Valid flag checked unchecks maintenance flag. Rainfall rating computations use prior reports with matching flags (valid, questioned, maintenance). -- Device Type Edit page Added button increment tool for numeric fields. Added adder term to the point data calibration. New calibration formula is: raw * multiplier + adder + base_value. Added raw_digits field to set number of digits to right of decimal point for raw data display. Changed display_digits column name to scaled)_digits for number of digits to right of decimal point for scaled data display. Changed cycle_size column type from long to double precision to match change in raw data type. Removed unnecessary SHEF parameter code suffix: IRRZZ,ZZZZZZ,ZZ Added compression interval. -- Equation Import Changed operation column text limit to 100 characters. Print label equation after the Action message when filing equation data. -- Log File Request page Added new log files to selection list. Selection list now contains: ALERT receive data - logs ALERT1 and ALERT2 data collection. Database access - logs all NovaStar5 tomcat page access and database modifications. Database failover - logs database replication failover activity. Database maintenance - logs database table additions as new monthly data partitionas are added. Database replication - logs database replication activity. HydroLynx 5400 polling - logs Orbcomm satellite station polling. NovaStar5 start - logs NovaStar5 system program start and stop. NovaStar5 system - logs all NovaStar5 activity. Station polling - logs automatic and manual station polling. USGS WaterData polling - logs automatic and manual USGS web page polling. Any other log files found in /usr/ns/log folder are appended to the end of the list. Added tomcat6 to novastar5 group Set log file group to novastar5 so tomcat can write to log file. Got rid of accessive unnecessary log messages for cron. -- Map Data Request -- Plot Data Request -- Report Data Request -- Tabular Data Request -- View Log File Request Fixed display class of pick lists. Hide request page display interval if requested map, plot, or report has all display intervals defined. Hide request page data analysis if requested map, plot, or report has all data analysis defined. -- Map Display page Added map background menu to find points on map by highlighting readout or marker borders. -- Map Edit page Image height and width and x and yscale display truncates trailing zeros. Fixed style and image file deletes. -- Data Edit and Tabular Data Display page Precipitation rating column headers are named Increment,Season,Storm. -- NovaStar5 data collection start disabled if license expired. -- Netcat added to NovaStar5 start nsnetcat start netprocess to pipe serial data over network connections. -- Nsatisiren added to NovaStar5 control trigger ATI siren on alarm trigger. nsatisiren control program write ATI siren trigger command to serial port. nsatisirentrigger assigned to alarm action to trigger alarm. -- php5 Added php5-xmlrpc and php5-xsl to NovaStar5 installation to support php xml/xsl document transformation. -- Plot Edit page Fixed style file deletes. -- Point Edit page Renamed device_class table to point_class. Renamed device_flag table to point_flag. Renamed device_status table to point_status. Renamed device_type table to point_type. Renamed rating section to computation. Added button increment tool for numeric fields. Renamed Device ID to Remote ID. Renamed Poll Channel to Data Position. Renamed Poll Type to Data Parameters. Added Data Parameter Format, Width, Samples to point list details. Increased tag_name limit to 100 characters. Moved ALERT2 SID and MSR to Identification section. Moved Orbcomm data collection parameters to Identification section. Moved USGS data collection parameters to Identification section. Added compression interval and tool. Added point alarm list. Fixed details sort of alarms. -- postgresql Added support for version 9.1 for Debian Linux wheezy. Added disconnect from postgresql database when programs terminated to eliminate postgresql log file error message: "unexpected EOF on client connection". -- postgresql.conf Disable escape string warning to prevent constant log file errors from tomcat: PDT WARNING: nonstandard use of \\ in a string literal at character -- Rating Assign Edit page Incremental and season rating assignments to rainfall sensors now use the effective time of the assignment to set the annual rainfall start month, default is October. Added storm rainfall computation type and computation interval to rating assign table. -- Report Edit page Fixed style and report file deletes. Added time format field. Added intervals in columns report type. Changed report_row table to report_interval. Added interval rounding and limits to report intervals. Added save of reportgen report file in report record. Added reportgen point import into report_point table. Modifications to report points saved in reportgen list file. Added reportgen interval import into report_interval table. Modifications to report interval saved in reportgen time file. Added reportgen template file edit. Modifications to report template saved in reportgen template file. -- Serial Port Edit page Renamed serial_port table column device to name. -- sendrpt Data reports displayed and logged with standard string: Date-Time ID: # Data: data Line: # Added command argument to log activity in recdata or autointer log files. -- starpt Data reports displayed and logged with standard string: Date-Time ID: # Data: data Line: # Added command argument to log activity in recdata or autointer log files. -- Station Edit page Increased tag_name limit to 100 characters. Added button increment tool for numeric fields. Only display parameters valid for station type. Moved out of service field to Location section to show when other sections hidden for protocol. Moved time limit field to Sampling parameter sections to match station type location. -- Station List page Display all interval fields as interval strings instead of number of seconds. -- Station Poll page Do not show station poll on menu if no station types have poll command defined. Added toggle to Reset starting time button. First time resets starting time to station last polled time, second time resets starting time to start of day for ending time. Added poll type selection: Current reading Last sampled Last logged Logged data since last poll Logged data between start and stop times Added RAWS web page polling program: nspollrawsdata Added COE Reservoir ALERT web page polling program: nspollcoeresvdata -- Station Type Edit page Added button increment tool for numeric fields. Poll line number used for data filing source for web page data protocol. Only display parameters valid for protocol. Added protocol types: none, none ALERT1 - ALERT1 data collection ALERT2 - ALERT2 data collection SCADALYNX - HydroLynx 50386 ScadaLynx data collection HL5096 - HydroLynx 5096 data collection HS3350 - High Sierra 3350 control ORBCOMM - HydroLynx 5400 ORBCOMM satellite data collection WEBPAGEREMOTEID - Web page data filed using point remote ID. WEBPAGEDATAPOSITION - Web page data filed using point position of data. WEBPAGEDATAPARAMETER - Web page data filed using point position and parameter. -- Station Type List page Display all interval fields as interval strings instead of number of seconds. -- Tabular Data Display page Data analysis type is shown in data value header. Units shown under the data analysis type represent the data analysis data. -- Tomcat Changed Java driver from sun-java6 to openjdk-6 which is supported by the Debian install and update system. -- User Group Edit page Added buttons to add or remove all tables to user group. Fixed multiple limit select in pick list details. -- User Edit page Added menu link to Change Profile for all user to allow changes to password. -- David Leader Tue, 21 Jan 2014 * Upgrade -- NovaStar5 install on Linux wheezy supported. Modified SQL functions to remove newline that caused parsing errors. -- Alarm messages Fixed insert of alarms with trigger messages > 512bytes. -- Alarm Action Edit page Added option to select position of alarm trigger message in email relative to alarm message. Choices are after, before, none (no trigger message), only (no alarm message, only trigger message). -- Always close local and master posgresql database connections on program exit. This prevents "unexpected EOF on client connection" in postgresql.log. -- Log file rotation Fixed /etc/logrotate.d/novastar5 file to set rotation file ownership to root:novastar5. Required for wheezy. -- nscomputealarm Inserts alarms and resets in database as well as setting data report alarm flags. -- nsdbbackup Lock process to prevent postgresl health check errors. -- nshealthcheck When postgresql database is locked up, execute alarm action defined in /usr/ns/etc/nshealthcheck.conf as postgresql alarm command Command can be stored in /usr/ns/cus -- nsrecdata Changed program to file data reports using N string instead of C string for concentrator messages. Use packet time from MANT header to compute report time offset instead of current time. -- sendmail Install entire package instead of sendmail-bin to get sensible-mda and eliminate errors in /var/log/mail.err -- sendrpt Buffer data reports that cannot be filed because the database is locked by another action such as a backup or receive data program, then retry filing after a one second wait. Added -a flag disable prevent alarm checking when filing data. Fixed looping error when invalid time in data report. Changed retry wait on database lock when 1 seconds to 10 milliseconds. -- starpt Fixd usage display when unknown station tag read. Added -a flag disable prevent alarm checking when filing data. -- Scheduler Edit page Fixed /etc/cron.d/novastar5-user file permissions that prevented scheduled task execution. -- David Leader Wed, 28 Aug 2013 * Upgrade -- Alarms Changed Active Alarm button style to flash. -- Calibration page Added force and display digit options to recalibration command tool. Increased speed of result display in window. Log command action with time stamp, user and remote hostname. -- Equation page Added force option to equation computation command tool. Increased speed of result display in window. Log command action with time stamp, user and remote hostname. -- Map Display Page Added Now button after time in header - resets display time to current time when clicked. Added URL argument showLinks=false to eliminate data links. -- Map Edit page Added bar readouts, vertical and horizontal, with scales and annotation. Added plot readouts. Added text display of raw data, score, date, time of day, date and time of report. Added relative time (counts backwards from 0=now) on the plot time axis. Added location choice: latlong or absolute. Added selection of readout text color, background color, border color, border width, text size, style (normal, italic, oblique), weight (normal,bold), text decoration (none,underline,overline,line-through,blink) Fixed 7day and 1 month plot period request in map readout menu. -- Plot Display page Fixed error in plot tooltip handling when parentheses used in plot point label. Added Now button after time in header - resets display time to current time when clicked. Added URL argument showLinks=false to eliminate data links. -- Point Edit page Added force and display digit options to revalidation and wind speed computation command tool. Increased speed of result display in window. Log command action with time stamp, user and remote hostname. -- Rating Assign Edit page Added display digit options to compute rating command tool. Increased speed of result display in window. Log command action with time stamp, user and remote hostname. -- Rating Table Edit page Increased speed of result display in window for rating import. Log command action with time stamp, user and remote hostname. -- Report Display page Added Now button after time in header - resets display time to current time when clicked. Added URL argument showLinks=false to eliminate data links. -- Report Edit page Added hour and daily precipitation reports. -- Scheduler Edit page Fixed cron table update when command has arguments. Fixed command delete when command has arguments. Tomcat server updates cron file directly. -- Station Edit page Fixed restriction on station type pick list. -- Tabular Data page Added URL argument showLinks=false to eliminate data links. -- Database replication Modified nshealthcheck to look for replication sync failures on slave nodes. nsdbrep is restarted if replication sync failed. Common sync failure cause was rebooting the master node without rebooting slave. During replication setup set slave node state to failed during start node table copy to prevent replication sync failures by nshealthcheck from restart replication. Set slave node state to slave after table copy finished. -- nscomputerating,nsdbrecalibrate,nsdbvalidate Added command line argument -D # to force the number of digits displayed. -- nsdbpassword Fixed discovery of root folder from password file. -- reportgen Removed diagnostic display of elevation. -- data_first_report Fixed sql query to start search at year_start defined in configuration table. -- nsautointer Automatic polling program turns off RTS on poll_port# lines defined in configuration table of -RTS option. -- nspollhydro50386 Added support for multiple station polling on different lines. -- tomcat.bashrc Added tomcat command execution environment. Custom environment variables can be set in /usr/ns/cus/tomcat.bashrc -- database Added delete triggers to tables with id squeneces to update id sequence with function updatetablesequence. -- nsrecdata Buffer data reports that cannot be filed because the database is locked by another action such as a backup. File the reports after the database is unlocked with proper time stamp. Do not sound data collection down alarm. File ALERT2 MSR raw data directly instead of uncalibrating scaled value. Added support for two source numbers on ALERT2 data collection separated by a comma: -S#,# First source number assigned to ALERT2 self report packets. Second source number assigned to ALERT2 concentrator packets. Default use first souce number, default source number is 1. -- nsdbrepcheck Drop set 2 before adding new tables to replication. -- tomcat6 Add tomcat6 to novastar5 group Set write permissions for tomcat6 on /etc/cron.d/novastar5-user -- Log files Changed /etc/logrotate.d/novastar5 log file rotation to daily, save 365 days. This prevent huge log files from growing over a week and hanging the file system during a log file rotation. Changed /etc/rsyslog.conf to prevent NovaStar5 local0,1,2 pattern log messages from being logged in the messages and syslog files in /var/log. These log messages are now only logged in the /usr/ns/log folder. Changed /etc/pam.d/cron to prevent cron logging in /var/log/auth.log -- David Leader Tue, 30 Apr 2013 * Upgrade -- Alarm Action page Fixed error that escaped the text on the email subject and from lines. -- Database replication Added local hostname to configuration table or use in replication setup. Added database node name and state fields to database replication configuration edit page. Added database replicated commands: setup, drop, switch, and failover to database replication configuration edit page. Allow failover on node 1. Restart novastar5 data collection after replication changed. -- Calibration Edit page Fixed recalibration of water level float sensors. Program nsdbrecalibrate gets the historic calibration records in the proper time sequence. -- Configuration edit page Added replication states to data collection enable rows in configuration table. Besides false and true, the following states were added: master - only start if replication state is NOT slave. slave - only start if replication state is slave. single - only start if replication state is disabled or single. failover - only start if replicationstate is failover. Added alarm trigger and failover enable selection to database replication edit. Added command execution scope: single node, or network. -- Tomcat server Added context file to install that allows links. Added request logging to context file. Tomcat page requests logged in files: /var/log/tomcat6/access_log.YYYY-MM-DD.log and /var/log/tomcat6/catalina.out Increased java heap size from 128MBto 512MB in /etc/default/tomcat6 to eliminate plot java heap errors. -- Added Map Plot Data Request page Display this page when plots launched from map menu. Keep map plot parameters separate from plot request parameters. -- Map Data Display page Changed last report and period rain analysis to internal. -- Plot Data Request page Eliminated Use Request Interval from the display interval. This selection is only meaningful in the plot point analysis display interval. -- Plot Data Display page Changed last report and period rain analysis to internal. Fixed time offset of period rainfall bar plots when point no report interval not equal to display interval. -- Plot Data Display page Do not replace plot point label unless point override is true. Click on interval data plot point opens the data editor and selects closest report. Changed last report and period rain analysis to internal. Limit number of plot points to 50000 by default to prevent java heap error. Change plot point limit by adding a row in configuration table with name "plot_point_limit" and value set to limit. -- Rating Edit page, nsimportrating Fixed rating table row import for changed in column name from row_orderto table_order. No longer show missing polynomial factors as 0. -- Report Data Request page Eliminated Use Request Interval from the display interval. This selection is only meaningful in the report point analysis display interval. Linked /tomcat/local/rpt to /usr/ns/rpt to allow viewing of reportgen files. Break multi-point data requests so database connection is not locked for a big request. -- Report Data Display page Changed last report and period rain analysis to internal. Added Export button to display report in CSV format. -- Tabular Data Display Added point ID, name, tag, device type, station ID, station name, station tag, station type to tabular data display details for use in export. Changed last report and period rain analysis to internal. -- Equation computation for data collection, nscomputeequation Fixed zero truncation of negative equation data such as dewpoint temperature. -- novastar5 Added -net command argument to execute command on all active nodes in network. -- Database check nsdbcheck -reindex option added to reindex database instead of check. -- David Leader Wed, 20 Feb 2013 * Upgrade -- Report Display page Added multiple panel support, horizontal and vertical. -- Report Request page Changed point select for override to report point edit form. Support point, analysis, data class, display score, display digits override. -- Plot Request page Support point, analysis, data class, display score, display digits override. -- Alarm Action page Fixed alarm pager pick list details setup. -- Alarm Trigger page Fixed alarm action pick list details setup. -- Alarm Group page Fixed point pick list details setup. Fixed alarm trigger pick list details setup. -- User Group page Sped up assignment of tables to user groups be grouping saves in one transaction then performing a group verify. -- Home page Fixed used of local map styles. -- datadisp Changed program command argument -E rain to returned rating 1 value for rain gauges. -- equation computation Fixed test to prevent repeat equation data filing within no report interval. Replace equation data report filed earlier with newer report when report times within no repeat interval. Fixed equation recomputation with constants. -- nshealthcheck Added a postgresql database connection test. If a connection cannot be made, the database is restarted. A postgresql restart forces a tomcat and novastar5 restart. -- reportgen Fixed missing report display. -- nsriversystem Fixed river system computation of gate outflows. -- David Leader Mon, 14 Jan 2013 * Upgrade -- Plot Data Display Fixed multi-level fill plots to extend limited plot lines to the right. Truncate plot line/area extensions to current time when plot time offset used. -- Data validation. Fixed break insertion of data already valid and in sequence when surrounded by bad reports. Fixed filing of valid repeat report when replacing previous bad report. -- Data analysis Use rating number 1 when only /r provided in stat analysis request. -- David Leader Thu, 20 Dec 2012 * Upgrade -- Point Edit page Increased number of poll sample pick list from 0-9 to 0-99. -- Console alarm Console alarm acknowledge executes stop on other replication nodes. Stop console alarm when alarm record state is not active or reset. -- Repeat report filing Force slave network nodes to read reports on file from master database to prevent repeat report filing when second report received 1 second later on slave node before slave node database synced. -- Data analysis sql scripts. Fixed errors when invalid point numids or analysis spupplied. -- Postgresql guest read-only access added. psql login as user guest with password guest has select (read-only) access. -- David Leader Fri, 14 Dec 2012 * Upgrade -- Map Data Display Append point data on same line when plotting positions the same. If is not necessary to add an X offset. Added point edit to map menu to allow data report editing when point plot link assigned to a different link. Fixed missing data default text class when scores used. -- Plot Data Display Added parameters to plot title and annotations to display: plot number, name, ending time, display interval, data analysis. Fixed plot point label display passed as argument for plot group point override. -- Report Data Display Added parameters to report title and panel header to display: report number, name, ending time, display interval, data analysis. Added data display with units to reports with points in rows. Added feature to disable column header display. Added feature to disable column display using report display details or listDetails command argument. -- equation computation Do not file repeat data reports with same value within point no report interval. Improved speed of nscomputeequation when imports use last analysis. Fixed nscomputeequation computation using import raw data and nova score values. -- nscomputealarm Added program to compute and update alarm flag and score for point data reports; does not trigger alarms. -- system_limit Added system_limit table to database to limit station count in NovaStar5 lite versions. Table row with name station_limit sets the station limit in the value for NovaStar5 lite. -- wget web page link resolution Added root links to /tomcat/local and /tomcat/NovaStar5 for wget files. -- David Leader Fri, 30 Nov 2012 * Upgrade -- Home page Added annotation display even if no data displayed. support resizing of background image. -- Active Alarm List Increased speed of acknowledging multipler alarms by opening a single session to the master and local database instead of doing individual open then closes for each alarm acknowledged. -- Report Edit page Fixed import of reportgen report files. -- Map Data Display page Display readout marker even if data value is out of range. -- data analysis, data_analysis_interval_repeat.sql Fixed error in returning last report time when last interval requested was missing. -- nspollhydro5400 Fixed refiling error that changed calibrated data values for repeated, questioned data reports. -- nsbeep, nsconsolebeep Fixed console alarm warning for new OS version. Fixed acknowledge kill of console alarm. -- nsimportequations Fixed equation import for new database schema -- nsimportreportgen Added reportgen file import. -- David Leader Fri, 16 Nov 2012 * Upgrade -- reportgen Fixed last valid report time and value display when last report not valid. -- data analysis repeat interval Increased data analysis speed for small interval analysis by skipping queries when no reports in interval. Fixed month interval increment for days per month. -- data_first_report Added function to get the first data report for point(s). -- disprpts,dispsers,dispsteps,reportgen,statreport Fixed display of rating units for points with reverse rating assignments. -- nspollhydro5400 Fixed error in filing dummy data for satellite messages that are too short. -- David Leader Wed, 31 Oct 2012 * Upgrade -- Report Data Display page Prevent report analysis override by request when analysis defined in report column. -- reportgen Fixed display of data delimiter even field width not defined. Fixed repeat of delimiter on subsequent descriptors. -- nsoverduechk, data_last_report.sql Fixed no report alarms after a bad data reported is received by fixing test for last valid report that failed if last report was not valid. -- David Leader Fri, 12 Oct 2012 * Upgrade -- Data Edit page Fixed save of data reports when time changed. Fixed computation of seasonal rainfall totals from edit window when Rating 2 button clicked. Added rating assign id to display columns. -- Map display control Fixed nslampon and nsflashon reset error that occurred when the alarm reset command format added the trigger time. -- Pager alarms Fixed nspageranalog, nspagerdigital, nspagerstaps reset error that occurred when the alarm reset command format added the trigger time. -- nsoverduechk Prevent execution on slave replication node unless forced. -- postgresql Changed postgresql boot startup script to be version independent to match debian postgresql update. -- stateport Changed database query to use even step analysis. Fixed rain analysis that double counted reports when times on even analysis interval. -- David Leader Fri, 04 Oct 2012 * Upgrade -- Map and Station Edit page Fixed error in saving new records when latitude/longitude was displayed as degrees:minutes:seconds. A rounding error in the internal storage of lat/long prevented validation when the new record was saved. -- Station, Station Type and User Edit pages Added show password checkbox to make passwords visible. -- Plot Display page Plot data reports that end before the ending plot time have plot lines extended up to no report interval. -- datadisp Fixed display of rating table data. -- David Leader Fri, 28 Sep 2012 * Upgrade -- Data edit page Fixed resort by clicking on coumn headers. Fixed rating re-computation in edit window. -- Map, Plot and Report Edit page Fixed plot and report add pages when panel not defined - create a default panel. Removed unique name constraint on map, plot, reports, alerttalk3, mapdisplay, rating_table. -- All edit pages Fixed error in adding map, plot, report when next table sequence number out of sequence. Pages force an update of the table sequence number before attempting save. Changed default table update timeout to 15 seconds. Made database update wait programmable with configuration table name: database_update_wait value: wait interval. (Default is 15 seconds, changed from 60 seconds); -- Data analysis Fixed report time and last report returned by data analysis. Added last report analysis to SQL procedural analysis. Added global last report search interval for reportgen analysis. Fixed number of rainfall computation intervals during DST transition when only 23 hours/day. -- Season rainfall computation Added second rating for precipitation gages that keeps a running total of precipitation since water year start. Water year starting month is October (10) by default. Change starting month with configuration table name: wateryear_startmonth. Reportgen descriptors added to display rating values for last report (use devlrptr2 for wateryear running total): devlrptr1,devlrptr2,devlrptr3,devlrptr4,devlrptr5 -- Rating computation Compute incremental rainfall rating when new report filed after long gap so no previous report available. Recompute rating when break flag added to historic report newly validated. Added change rainfall computation for weighing rain gauges that can decrease in value (point device type class must be encoder) -- David Leader Wed, 19 Sep 2012 * Upgrade -- All pages. Limit information displayed to that assigned to user group. User groups can be assigned to: stations, station_types, points, device_types, equations, rating_tables, alarm_actions, alarm_groups, alarm_pagers, alarm_triggers, alerttalk3, mapdisplay, maps, plots, reports. Calibrations, rating assigns inherit groups from point. Alarms inherit groups from alarm_triggers. Once user groups are defined, users do not see table rows not assigned to group. -- All edit pages. Set cursor to wait (hour glass) when Apply, Delete, or OK buttons clicked. Verify local database update before repainting list or edit page. Update master database. -- All list and pick detail pages. Added pick list detail selection. Added multiple list selection to pick lists. Added group selection if user is administrator or belongs to more then one group. Display error message if invalid detail page requested. -- Alarm page Added alarm time. This is the time the alarm was started by an alarm trigger. The trigger time is the data report time that triggered the alarm. Older data filed after a delay can trigger alarms and the alarm time records when the alarm is started. -- Alarm Group Edit page Added popup for point and alarm trigger assign/remove. -- alarm checking Refiling of data reports no longer retrigger alarms. -- Configuration Edit page Added check_interval_factor. The value multiplies the point no report interval to increase the validation data report interval. -- Data Edit page Fixed loss of calibration record additions and changes when data edit window closed. Removed id from data table, use composite point_id and recorded time. -- equation_import table Changed primary key to composite key from equation id and import order. -- map table Renamed map_info table to map. -- map_point table Changed primary key to composite key from map id and map point order. -- plot_point table Changed primary key to composite key from plot id and plot point order. -- Rainfall computations Added incremental rainfall storage in rating for precipitation data reports. Period rain computations sum the incremental values within the period. -- Rating Assign page Added incremental rating type for precipitation device type points. -- rating_row table Changed primary key to composite key from rating_table id and row order. -- rating_shift table Changed primary key to composite key from rating_assign id and shift order. -- report_column table Changed primary key to composite key from report id and report column order. -- report_panel table Added table to support display of multiple report panels. -- report_point table Changed primary key to composite key from report id and report point order. -- report_row table Changed primary key to composite key from report id and report row order. -- User edit page Added user group selection. Limit user role selection to one role. -- User role page Added user role supervisor for Read/write group access. -- User group page Added user groups to database. -- User private Added user name and privacy scope to maps, plots, reports. If a map, plot, or report is marked private it is not visible to other group members except the supervisor. -- nsdbrep Fixed database replication script command argument pass after root login. Upgraded database replication to Slony1-2. Chnaged replication configuration file /usr/ns/etc/nsdbrep.conf log level parameter to 0 for Slony1-2 compliance. -- nspollusgswaterdata Polled data is scaled by calibration before filing in database. -- David Leader Fri, 31 Aug 2012 * Upgrade -- Map and Station Edit page Fixed error in saving new records when latitude/longitude was displayed as degrees:minutes:seconds. A rounding error in the internal storage of lat/long prevented validation when the new record was saved. -- postgresql Changed postgresql boot startup script to be version independent to match debian postgresql update. -- David Leader Wed, 03 Oct 2012 * Upgrade -- Added point_id,recorded unique constraint to data tables to prevent multiple data report filing with same time. -- nsdbmerge Added -z0 argument to remove repeat reports with the same point_id and recorded time. -- Data Edit page Fixed error when applying data changes and no calibration records available. -- nsrecdata Added data filing delay to support data collection on multiple servers with replicated databases. Added HL5096 serial data parsing for -G command argument. -- nsupgrade Added command to upgrade NovaStar 5 to next version. -- David Leader Sun, 26 Aug 2012 * Upgrade -- All edit pages. Support edit on master and slave NovaStar servers. Set cursor to wait (hour glass) when Apply, Delete, or OK buttons clicked. Verify local database update before repainting list or edit page. -- Map Display page Fixed display of N/A default missing string when data missing on maps. -- database point_view Added station_elevation for reportgen elevation descriptor support. -- nsdbrepcheck Fixed program path error that prevented program from adding new data tables to replication. -- nsrecdata Alert2 floating point data collection calibrated by database point calibration. -- reportgen Added elevation descriptor. -- sendrpt Add -C flag to force floating point data calibrated by database point calibration. Fixed repeated source number digits 11,22,33,... translation to 1,2,3. -- starpt Added program to file station data for sensor id number: starpt STA SID DATA ... where STA is the station remote tag, numid, or tag, SID is the poll channel number for the point assigned to the station DATA ... is the data value and other parameters used by sensrpt. Fixed repeated source number digits 11,22,33,... translation to 1,2,3. -- David Leader Wed, 13 Jun 2012 * Update -- Station Edit page Changed point list column labels for Alert2 sensor id and MSR number. -- nsautointer Fixed grouping of station polling to stations with same line and poll command. -- nsrecdata Fixed program read of repeat report interval from the database configuration table. -- David Leader Fri, 25 May 2012 * Update -- All pages Installation updates the time of all webpage files to force browser refresh. This fixes the problem of a browser using an obsolete web page file in its cache. Added support for custom header and footer files in /tomcat/local/tiles/header.jsp and footer.jsp Copy examples from /tomcat/NovaStar5/tiles/header.jsp and footer.jsp NovaStar5 web page links changed to /icons/NovaStar5.ico icon changed from 16x16 to 48x48 for use as an icon for a workstation link. Installation no longer does database check if last version or greater. -- About page Fixed font error in NovaStar User and Operator manuals. -- Alarm Action page Added modem port selection for alerttalk1 alarm action. -- Alarm Trigger page Prefix alarm trigger test messages with TEST. -- Data Edit page Fixed loss of point or time selection when OK or apply clicked instead of Get Data. -- Equation Edit page Changed point analyais rating selection to data type selection: scaled, raw, score, ratings. Added maximum and minimum operation. Computed point value is compared to running equation value and maximum or minimum is saved. -- Forecast Update page Removed apply requirement after changing forecast point. -- Map Edit page Fixed map point list add IE javascript error. Changed point analyais rating selection to data type selection: scaled, raw, score, ratings. -- Map Request page Changed analysis rating selection to data type selection: scaled, raw, score, ratings. -- Plot Display page Fixed java errors for plot groups with legacy plot limit options. -- Plot Edit page Fixed java errors for plot groups with legacy plot limit options. Fixed IE7 error for color pick lists. Display colored line and shape colors in point list. Fixed display of point analysis interval when analysis is storm rainfall or rain intensity. Changed point analyais rating selection to data type selection: scaled, raw, score, ratings. -- Plot Request page Fixed error in plot point add/delete that caused 500 error. Fixed plot pick sort. Fixed IE7 error for color pick lists. Display colored line and shape colors in point list. Hides the point list when painted instead of changing the display parameter after display. Changed analysis rating selection to data type selection: scaled, raw, score, ratings. -- Point Edit page Added Alert2 sensor and group ID selection for station types with alert2 in communication path. -- Report Edit page Report point label to report points in columns header. Changed point analyais rating selection to data type selection: scaled, raw, score, ratings. Added column label parameters for period starting and ending date, time, and time of day. Added starting column sort and direction. Added reportgen report type. Select reportgen point, time, and template file. Import reportgen report file parameters. -- Report Request page Changed analysis rating selection to data type selection: scaled, raw, score, ratings. -- Scheduler Edit page Fixed view of command files using links to /usr/ns/cus. -- Station Edit page Fixed save of negative time offset. Moved the time limit parameter to the polling section. -- Station Poll page Manual station polling overrides the station time limit. -- nsalarmtrigger Replaces nsalarmtest -- cron Changed nsh to set timezone to contents of file: /etc/timezone. -- database replication Added database replication nodes to configuration table. Changed backup node name to slave node. Added support for multiple slave nodes. Allow psql port selection (default: 5432) for database replication nodes. -- data calibration Eliminated rain gauge (counter class) base value roll up when received data value dramatically drops. Eliminated rain gauge (counter class) negative base values (reset to 0). -- data filing Added alarm triggers and data filing on master replication node from slave nodes. -- data validation Fixed data validation error of ALERT wind data that marked decreases in computed wind speed as not valid. -- dispshef Fixed display when report count not limited (no -n command argument). -- disprpts Fixed display of quality flag for command line id/quality/nochk. -- equation computation Fixed equation access to last report filed by unlocking database before equation computation. -- apache_install Updated detection of default index.html and replace with NovaStar 5 redirect. -- ftpshefxfer Ported program from NovaStar 4. -- nsalertxmt Added -Z command argument for alert2 hexidecimal input. Close socket when program terminated with or without exception. -- nscmdhydro50386 Fixed program crash when station login name is NULL. -- nsrecdata Completed full support for Alert2 API version 1.1 Quit program on database failure or deadlock; allow watchdog to restart. Append device Id and data value to program executed after data received to support data export. -- postgresql Modified postgresql.conf to eliminate constant log file errors: PDT WARNING: nonstandard use of \\ in a string literal at character -- sendmail Added complete sendmail install to NovaStar5 to correct syslog sensible-mda program missing errors. -- David Leader Thu, 26 Apr 2012 * Update -- All pages Added collapse and expansion of page sections. Added support for time of day entry as HHMMSS, HHMM. Added all table columns to list detail selection. Immediate save of command time period and options. -- All display pages Fixed page refresh. Added scroll support for map, plot, report displays. Added Now button to scroll buttons. -- All data requests Fixed data analysis selection when display interval not show reports. Removed Show/Hide advanced options since addition of section collapse/expand. Fixed data analysis oring of data flags. -- Tabular data request Rating display selection synchronized with display details. Rating display selection moved from analysis to display section to keep all request analysis sections the same. Display of point data with no assigned ratings no longer removes rating display details. Added export data button to create CSV plain text display. -- Tabular data display Fixed display of data report flags when display interval used. Previous version appended all flags, update displays all flags set in display interval. Added export button next to print. Export data displays a comma delimited display that can be saved as a CSV file. -- Map edit page Fixed map scale wizard to work with negative X and Y scale numbers. Added immediate redisplay after detail select or sort of all map annotation and point parameters. Added immediate save of lat/long format and scale unit changes. Map style or image uploads are added to selection lists and immediately selected. Annotation record add, copy, edit or delete errors fixed when record order not sequential. Added support for empty annotation with link or link help. -- Map display page Fixed default class assignment to annotations and points when default saved in record instead of null. Clear home page map id if map deleted so user can select new home page map. Fixed error when assigned point did not have latitude or longitude defined. -- Plot display page Fixed default line color so not all lines are plotted in red. Fixed plot scale use of upper and lower limits for points defined in plot request page. Fixed plot legend display for points defined in plot request page. -- Report edit page Added immediate redisplay after detail select or sort of all report column, row, or point parameters. Report style uploads are added to selection lists and immediately selected. -- Report display page Fixed default class assignments when default saved in record instead of null. Fixed display digits set in report points. -- Map display edit page Fixed unit assignment to points when table row number does not match unit number. Fixed add, copy, edit, delete errors when record order was not sequential. Change lamp control command to send lamp number instead of point number. Added update point list button to signal driver to reload parameters. nsmapdisplay - Copy default /usr/ns/install/etc/nsmapdisplay.conf to /usr/ns/etc on first time start. -- AlertTalk3 edit page Changed point and phone number order to match what is displayed on edit page. nsalerttalk3 - Copy default /usr/ns/install/etc/nsalerttalk3.conf to /usr/ns/etc on first time start. -- Data edit page Point, time period to display, display digits, verify changes saved immediately when Get data button clicked. Fixed null calibration record problem. Fixed edit table sort from column header buttons. -- Data collection Fixed proper execution of data collection timeouts, alarms, and alarm resets. Added socket listen mode for data collection testing. -- Data display datadisp - Fixed error in additional analysis when report following requested period was questioned. -- Data import sendrpt - Added command argument -a to allow data collection filing during long data imports. Database is normally locked for entire import session. If -a argument is used, database is locked for each report then unlocked. -- Data polling All polling programs force update of data on file. Revalidation, rating, equation computation updated also. nspollhydro5400 Time sync true will adjust remote station data report times for DST. Use station time limit parameter to set starting time from end time. Added -M to file data from all stations when one is polled. Set this flag in station type polling command. Fixed polling of stations with timezones in future. nspollhydro50386 Remove time sync from polling. Do not send point list to remote stations for logged data polling, request all point data. nstimesync50386 New time sync program for 50386 can be launched by scheduler. -- Data validation Incremental precipitation points with data reports filed less often than report interval were not validated. Set data checking change to 0 to force validation. Data validation of report interval allows a 5 minute grace period. Break flag set when report time difference > point report interval + 5 minutes. -- Equations All equation computations force update of data on file. -- Alarm display Replace blank/null alarm trigger name with trigger description. alarmdisp program Added -html command option. Added -ZS show station name command option. -- Pager email alarms Do not send email alarms if system alarms disabled. nsalarmsenabled program added to display/test/set system alarm enable state. Append reset to subject and message for alarm resets. Stopped appending value to system alarm messages. Value was used to show data collection line number or failover node number. Now separate alarm triggers are used to show specific data collection or node failover alarms. -- Point edit page Added data format, data width, number of samples to polling parameter setup for HydroLynx 5400 station type points. -- Rating assign edit page Fixed rating computation command. -- Rating table edit page nsimportrating Fixed rating table import to work with DOS files and files with trailing columns. -- Reportgen Added display of latitude/longitude decimal seconds for degree:minute:second format. -- Station page Added immediate save of lat/long format. -- Scheduler nsunlock -Added command argument -w## to remove lock files older then ## minutes. nscronupdate - Fixed erroneous removal of commands that start with the same command name updated. -- View log files Fixed automatic refresh when data displayed from rotated log file as well as current file. -- Wind speed/direction computation nscomputewindspeed - Fixed wind direction data report calibration assignment. -- Database backup/restore nsdbrestore Restart tomcat if running when started. Keep restarts quiet if quiet flag used. Do nsdbtrimid after restore. -- David Leader Thu, 26 Jan 2012 * Update -- About NovaStar5 page Added change log, user and operator manual links to about submenu. -- Calibration Edit page Changed calibration edit page command window size controls to icons. Fixed reset of multiply value. Fixed display of Get Data to show for Baseset only. Changed baseset scaled value label to observed and added helpful tip to right of baseset button. -- Configuration Edit page Fixed configuration edit 50386_port control. -- Map Display page Fixed map annotation link display with no text. -- Map Edit page Updated upload process to automatically add new images, markers, styles to list. -- Plot Request page Fixed use of fixed plot scale lower and upper limits for selected point plots. Fixed legend display for selected point plots. -- Plot Display page Changed plot display resize buttons to icons and moved to left side of plot. Improved plot display speed when many plot points processed for tool tip display. -- Plot Edit page Updated upload process to automatically add new styles to list. -- Point Edit page Fixed point delete error when assigned to a plot group. Added poll parameter setup for Orbcomm stations that includes data format, data width, number of samples per report. -- Report Edit page Updated upload process to automatically add new styles to list. -- Rating Table Edit page Updated rating table import process to update page with file name and added import file view button. -- Scheduler Edit page Updated scheduler command upload to automatically update page. -- Station Edit page Fixed station edit poll interval label. Fixed station copy page reset of station id field in point list when reset button clicked. -- Station List page Added all parameters to station list details. -- Station Type Edit page Fixed station type poll/control command parameters. -- Station Type List page Added all parameters to station type list details. -- nspollhydro5400 Added support for programmable data format (Ascii,Hex), data width, and number of samples per report. -- novastar5install.exe Added /usr/ns/cus and etc install folder creation to nsfoldermaintenance. Link /tomcat/local/bin to /usr/ns/cus for scheduler page command upload. -- David Leader Mon, 19 Sep 2011 * Update -- Configuration Edit Page Start,stop,restart,status controls for individual alert or 50386 ports only affect that port. Fixed 50386 data collection value selection to true/false list. Changed command display window size controls to icons. -- Map Edit Page Fixed error in converting map image size when degrees per pixel selected. -- Device Type Edit Page Fixed status and flag line edit copy. -- Point Edit Page Fixed device type reset button set of no report interval and change interval to device type parameters. Fixed display of status line for view. Fixed error on status device type delete. Fixed revalidate starting and ending time display. Changed display action to tabular display page instead of request page. -- Plot Data Request Added multiple plot point setup on request page. Removed plot type from plot table in database. Vertical/horizontal orientation of multiple panels moved to plot options column. -- Rating Assign Edit Added rating table and shift plot. -- Rating Table Edit Fixed edit and delete of multiple rating rows. Added rating table row import. Added rating table plot. -- Station Type Edit Page Install corrects station type poll commands. -- disprpts Fixed display of ID when display format argument (e.g. -D321) put ID number at end of line. -- nsimportrating Rating table row import program added. -- nsprintrating Fixed html display of multiple openings. -- nspollusgswaterdata Added USGS water data polling support. -- David Leader Thu, 18 Aug 2011 * Update -- Data filing Added data filing lock to prevent multiple data collection programs from saving the same data report twice. Now reports from multiple sources stored in report with combined source numbers in report flags. -- Alarm checking Fixed error in premature rainfall alarm reset caused by a timed report in a rainfall event. The error was caused by a change in floating point precision between the newly calibrated data report and the last report retrieved from the database. The computed difference between the data report calibrated data values was not zero but a very small number. -- Active Alarm Eliminated display of unknown wave file when silent alarm active. Fixed alarm sound when multiple active alarms are a mix of sound and silent alarm. -- Alarm Trigger Type Added rptcnt alarm trigger type to trigger an alarm when the number of reports over a time interval is met or exceeded. -- Configuration Edit page Added wateryear_startmonth parameter to configuration table. Default water year start month is 10. Alert and 50386 data collection start/stop/restart now control single port selected. -- datadisp,disprpt programs Fixed error in return 0 computed rainfall on last report. -- Rating Assign Edit page Fixed javascript error that prevented page save in Internet Explorer. -- Rating Table Edit page Fixed javascript error that prevented page save in Internet Explorer. Format power curve and polynomial values using index display digits. -- Station Edit page Added section Hide/Show buttons. Eliminated browser save password question when station login password set. -- User Edit page Eliminated browser save password question when user login password set. -- David Leader Thu, 16 Jun 2011 * Update -- novastar5 program start on boot Serial port baud rates were not set properly on boot. This problem affected ALERT data collection, map display control, and AlertTalk3 control. Linux boot processes following the novastar5 program start undid the baud rate settings. A delay was added to the novastar5 program start on boot to let the Linux processes finish before serial port baud rates were set. This delay defaults to 10 seconds but can be changed in the configuration table options for the 'boot_data_collection' name. The options arguments are: -w #seconds For example to delay 10 seconds on boot before starting novastar5: -w 10 -- nsupdate Added desktop launcher to execute nsupdate. -- nsdbvalidate Fixed change over interval validation to only look at reports older than tested report. -- ns50386server Fixed connect error loop that filled hard disk with continuous log file errors. -- All pages Requires use of sun-java6 instead of sun-java5. NovaStar5 installs add sun-java6 to system. -- Active Alarm list Multiple alarm triggers prevented when trigger reset interval is greater then point data checking interval. -- Alerttalk3 Edit page Fixed point edit for IE browser. Added interval list/value select for parameters. -- Alarm Action Edit page -- Alerttalk3 Edit page -- Map Display Edit page Added serial port view link. Added interval list/value select for parameters. -- Alarm Edit page -- Alarm Trigger Edit page Added interval list/value select for parameters. -- Database check nsdbcheck repaired for data partition repair and new table add. Check and install functions and views. -- Database replication Added database replication state button at top of menu bar. -- Configuration Edit page Added true/false select list to configuration edit. Added database replication state selection list to configuration edit. Ask user if want to save changes when control button clicked and changes are outstanding. After save, execute control. -- Data Edit page Added changes verified control. When true, set verified flag automatically when data reports changed. -- Forecast page Fixed memory error in river system forecast when DST started and lagged inflow used. -- Map Display page Show data reports for Display data and Plot data point popup menu commands. -- Map Display page -- Plot Display page -- Report Display page -- Tabular Display page Fixed display and scroll time interval use when 1 month period selected. Allow sort on pick list field that is not displayed. Added 24:00 to start and end time lists. Display end of day period as 24:00:00 when configuration time_format has option: 24:00:00 -- Tabular Display page Fixed time period increment when passing through DST changes. -- Plot Display page -- Report Display page Added multiple point select. -- Report Display page Fixed no sort error. Fixed ascending sort for first sort after no sort. Added show units control for points in columns. -- Rating Edit page Added interval list/value select for rating shifts. -- Rating Table page Added 5th order polynomial equation to rating row types. -- Station Type Edit page Added interval list/value select for parameters. -- View Log Data Display page Fixed Detach window open with no header or menu. -- dispshef Fixed use of command argument number of reports limit. Fixed SHEF output error that limited date type and source. Fixed SHEF output error that added time stamp after type and source. SHEF type and source read from device type table. -- David Leader Fri, 29 Apr 2011 * Update -- alarm checking Fixed falling alarm error that triggered on any negative change. -- nsalarmtest Allow no point id or id=0 for system alarms. -- nspageranalogdial, nspagertapsdial Fixed used of dialoutsideline prefix defined for serial port. -- Alarm Action Edit page Added pagerlog file view support -- Alarm Trigger Edit page Do not show alarm test point selection for system alarms. -- Data Edit page Fixed unexpected number of digits display on multi-row applied changes to scaled values. -- Log File Display page Added refresh interval selection to log file view page. Added pagerlog file view support. Read rotated log files until buffer count met. -- Log File Request page Added button to select refresh interval list or value display. Added manual entry of log file names as well as selection from list. -- Map Data Request page -- Plot Request page -- Report Request page -- Tabular Data Request page Added button to select refresh interval list or value display. -- Scheduler Edit page Added button to select interval list or value display. Fixed command display box size controls. -- Serial Port Edit page Added serial port discovery and provided select list. Added dial initialization string for modem ports. Added dial outside line entry for modem ports. -- David Leader Thu, 10 Mar 2011 * Update -- nsautointer Fixed memory leak that crashed program. -- nspageranalogdial Added analog pager dial program that works with mgetty lock. -- nsmapdisplay Fixed baud rate set for map display serial ports. -- nsoverduechk Does not reset system alarms when reset interval is 0. -- serial_port table Changed device column to 100 character limit. Changed init_string column to options with 1000 character limit. Options column now define DIALINITSTRING and DIALOUTSIDELINE prefix. -- Added mgetty support for terminal and ppp connections. Dial programs use mgetty lock to share dial-out serial port with dial-in manager. -- Active Alarm Display Show all active alarms even when sort restricts the number of alarm shown. -- Alarm Trigger Edit page Added reset interval to system alarm trigger. Removed trigger value from system alarm trigger. -- Data Edit page Fixed use of decimal digit display when recalibrating multiple rows of data. -- Map Data Display Fixed map point link rendering when non-NovaStar5 page links used. Added support of map point limits to restrict point data display. -- Plot Data Display Added plot or point selection on display page. Added point override for plot group. -- Plot Edit page Added point override selection for plot points. -- Report Data Display Added report selection on display page. Added point override for report group. -- Report Edit page Added point override selection for report points. Renamed report_header column to report_title and changed character limit to 1000. -- Rating Assign page Fixed add rating assignment from point edit page. -- David Leader Wed, 23 Feb 2011 * Update -- station table Remove unique name constraint. Added remote tag column for remote station polling. -- ns50386server,nspollhydro50386,nscmdhydro50386,nsctrlhydro50386,nsrcvhydro50386 Read port from configuration table 50386_port# where # is station line number. Use station remote_tag column for station polling and self report receive. -- xmlrptexport Ported program from NS4X. -- nscopysshkey Now appends key to remote authorized_keys instead of overwriting. -- alarmdisp Alarm display program ported from NovaStar4x. -- nsdbrestore Restarts NovaStar5 processes that were running after restore is finished. -- reportgen Improved speed of database queries when requests spanned multiple months. Use selectdata function to optimize data partition table query. -- Alarm Trigger Edit page Test point list now shows only points assigned to alarm groups that are assigned to the alarm trigger. -- Station Poll Added station poll page under Station menu. -- Map Data Display Fixed green box data display when data missing for period analysis. Fixed missing data display of 0.00 - now missing string is shown. Added map selection on display page. -- Plot Data Display Fixed green box data display when data missing for period analysis. Added plot or point selection on display page. -- Report Data Display Fixed green box data display when data missing for period analysis. Added report selection on display page. -- Tabular Data Display Fixed green box data display when data missing for period analysis. -- Added functions and views to database to simplify data queries. current_calibration_devid_view Select the current calibration record for points for showing: device numid,multiplier,base_value,recorded parameters. current_calibration_numid_view Select the current calibration record for points for showing: point numid,multiplier,base_value,recorded parameters. data_delete(text,timestamp,timestamp) Deletes data reports from the data partition tables for the comma delimited point id list from the start time to the end time (inclusive). Returns the number of data reports deleted. Example: select * from data_delete('5,6,7','2010-02-02 00:00:00','2010-02-05 14:30:00'); returns the number of data reports deleted for point ids 5,6,7 from 02/02/2010 00:00:00 to 02/05/2010 14:30:00. data_delete(integer,timestamp,timestamp) Deletes data reports from the data partition tables for point id from the start time to the end time (inclusive). Returns the number of data reports deleted. Example: select * from data_delete(5,'2010-02-02 00:00:00','2010-02-05 14:30:00'); returns the number of data reports deleted for point id 5 from 02/02/2010 00:00:00 to 02/05/2010 14:30:00. data_delete_point_id(integer,timestamp,timestamp) Deletes data reports from the data partition tables for point id from the start time to the end time (inclusive).; Returns the number of data reports deleted. Example: select * from data_delete_point_id(5,'2010-02-02 00:00:00','2010-02-05 14:30:00'); returns the number of data reports deleted for point id 5 from 02/02/2010 00:00:00 to 02/05/2010 14:30:00. data_delete_point_id(text,timestamp,timestamp) Deletes data reports from the data partition tables for the comma delimited point id list from the start time to the end time (inclusive). Returns the number of data reports deleted. Example: select * from data_delete_point_id('5,6,7','2010-02-02 00:00:00','2010-02-05 14:30:00'); returns the number of data reports deleted for point ids 5,6,7 from 02/02/2010 00:00:00 to 02/05/2010 14:30:00. data_delete_point_numid(integer,timestamp,timestamp) Deletes data reports from the data partition tables for the point numid from the start time to the end time (inclusive). Returns the number of data reports deleted. Example: select * from data_delete_point_numid(1600,'2010-02-02 00:00:00','2010-02-05 14:30:00'); returns the number of data reports deleted for point numid 1600 from 02/02/2010 00:00:00 to 02/05/2010 14:30:00. data_delete_point_numid(text,timestamp,timestamp) Deletes data reports from the data partition tables for the comma delimited point numid list from the start time to the end time (inclusive). Returns the number of data reports deleted. Example: select * from data_delete_point_numid('1600,1603,1608','2010-02-02 00:00:00','2010-02-05 14:30:00'); returns the number of data reports deleted for point numids 1600,1603,1608 from 02/02/2010 00:00:00 to 02/05/2010 14:30:00. data_isflag(text,text) Returns true if the data flags contains the letter flag. Example: data_isflag('V1','V') returns true; data_notflag(text,text) Returns true if the data flags contains the letter flag. Example: data_notflag('V1','V') returns false; data_isalarmed(text) Returns true if the data flags contains the letter A. Example: data_isalarmed('VA1') returns true; data_notalarmed(text) Returns true if the data flags does not contain the letter A. Example: data_notalarmed('V1') returns true; data_isbreak(text) Returns true if the data flags contains the letter B. Example: data_isbreak('VB1') returns true; data_notbreak(text) Returns true if the data flags does not contain the letter B. Example: data_notbreak('V1') returns true; data_ismaintenance(text) Returns true if the data flags contains the letter M. Example: data_ismaintenance('M1') returns true; data_notmaintenance(text) Returns true if the data flags does not contain the letter M. Example: data_notmaintenance('V1') returns true; data_isquestioned(text) Returns true if the data flags contains the letter Q. Example: data_isquestioned('Q1') returns true; data_notquestioned(text) Returns true if the data flags does not contain the letter Q. Example: data_notquestioned('V1') returns true; data_isvalid(text) Returns true if the data flags contains the letter V. Example: data_isvalid('V1') returns true; data_notvalid(text) Returns true if the data flags does not contain the letter V. Example: data_notvalid('V1') returns false; data_isverified(text) Returns true if the data flags contains the letter E. Example: data_isverified('VE1') returns true; data_notverified(text) Returns true if the data flags does not contain the letter E. Example: data_notverified('V1') returns true; data_partition_table_name(timestamp without time zone) Returns the data partition table name for the time passed in timestamp as: data_YYYY_MM. Example: data_partition_table_name('2010-10-01 13:30:00') returns 'data_2010_10'. data_partition_oldest() Return the oldest data partition table name. Example: data_partition_oldest() returns 'data_1980_01'. data_partition_newest() Return the newest data partition table name. Example: data_partition_newest() returns 'data_2011_01'. data_select(text,timestamp,timestamp) Returns data reports (see data_report type) from the data partition tables for the comma delimited point id list from the start time to the end time. Example: select * from data_select('55,56,57','2010-01-01 00:00:00','2010-02-01 00:00:00') order by recorded asc; returns data reports for point ids 55,56,57 from 01/01/2010 00:00:00 to 02/01/2010 0:00:00. data_select(integer,timestamp,timestamp) Returns data reports (see data_report type) from the data partition tables for the point id from the start time to the end time. Example: select * from data_select(55,'2010-01-01 00:00:00','2010-02-01 00:00:00') order by recorded asc; returns data reports for point id 55 from 01/01/2010 00:00:00 to 02/01/2010 0:00:00. data_select_point_id(integer,timestamp,timestamp) Returns data reports (see data_report type) from the data partition tables for the point id from the start time to the end time. Example: select * from data_select_point_id(55,'2010-01-01 00:00:00','2010-02-01 00:00:00') order by recorded asc; returns data reports for point id 55 from 01/01/2010 00:00:00 to 02/01/2010 0:00:00. data_select_point_id(text,timestamp,timestamp) Returns data reports (see data_report type) from the data partition tables for the comma delimited point id list from the start time to the end time. Example: select * from data_select_point_id('55,56,57','2010-01-01 00:00:00','2010-02-01 00:00:00') order by recorded asc; returns data reports for point ids 55,56,57 from 01/01/2010 00:00:00 to 02/01/2010 0:00:00. data_select_point_numid(integer,timestamp,timestamp) Returns data reports (see data_report type) from the data partition tables for the point numid from the start time to the end time. Example: select * from data_select_point_numid(1600,'2010-01-01 00:00:00','2010-02-01 00:00:00') order by recorded asc; returns data reports for point numid 1600 from 01/01/2010 00:00:00 to 02/01/2010 0:00:00. data_select_point_numid(text,timestamp,timestamp) Returns data reports (see data_report type) from the data partition tables for the comma delimited point numid list from the start time to the end time. Example: select * from data_select_point_numid('1600,1603,1608','2010-01-01 00:00:00','2010-02-01 00:00:00') order by recorded asc; returns data reports for point numids 1600,1603,1608 from 01/01/2010 00:00:00 to 02/01/2010 0:00:00. device_status_array(integer) Return the device type status records in text array. Example: id,name,(select * from device_status_array(id)) as device_type_status from device_type; returns the device_type id, name, and array of status records. device_flag_array(integer) Return the device type flag records in text array. Example: id,name,(select * from device_flag_array(id)) as device_type_flags from device_type; returns the device_type id, name, and array of flag records. device_type_view device_type_view IS 'Select device_type parameters with status and flag arrays.'; Example: select * from device_type_view where id=3; returns the device_type parametes, status and flag arrays for device_type id 3. devidfromnumid(integer) Returns the device id for the point numid. Example: select * from devidfromnumid(1600); returns the device id for the point with numid 1600. devidfrompoint(integer) Returns the device id for the point id. Example: select * from devidfrompoint(5); returns the device id for the point with id 5. numidfrompoint(integer) Returns the point numid for the point id. Example: select * from numidfrompoint(5); returns the point numid for the point with id 5. pointfromnumid(integer) Returns the point id for the point numid. Example: select * from pointfromnumid(1600); returns the point id for the point with numid 1600. pointfromnumid(text) Returns a comma delimited list of point ids for the point numid list. Example: select * from pointfromnumid('1600,1603,1608'); returns the point ids for the points with numids 1600,1603,1608. point_view Select point, station, device_type parameters for points. Example: select * from point_view where id=pointfornumid(1600); returns the point, station, device_type parameters for point numid 1600. station_view Select station, station_type parameters for stations. Example: select * from station_view where numid=100; returns the station, staiton_type parameters for station numid 1600. -- David Leader Fri, 04 Feb 2011 * Update -- Linux squeeze version upgrade added. Upgraded all script command files to work with Debian Linux squeeze dash shell. Added Debian Linux upgrade script from lenny to squeeze: nsupgradelinux Warning! The Linux upgrade to squeeze takes a long time to complete. You desktop preferences (background, screen saver) may be changed. Database replication will be dropped for the upgrade. Major program version upgrades are: postgresql 8.3 to 8.4 sun-java 5 to 6 tomcat 5.5 to 6 The postgresql upgrade will not copy your database from 8.3 to 8.4 so the script does a database backup before the upgrade. After the upgrade completes, you will reboot, reinstall NovaStar 5, restore you database with the nsdbrestore command. Instructions on how to do this are printed at the end of the script: Reboot your system: reboot Reinstall novastar5 with the command: nsupdate --reinstall Restore your database with the command: nsdbrestore /home/leader/database.backup Restore database replication on the master server with the command: nsdbrep setup The tomcat upgrade script will copy your NovaStar 5 maps to the tomcat6 folders. The NovaStar 5 reinstall script will update the sun-java to version 6. -- Novastar5 install novastar5install.exe added command arguments to skip database and replication checks: novastar5install.exe -- {nodbcheck} {nodbrepcheck} nsupdate checks if version up to date. Command usage is: nsupdate: NovaStar program update download and install Usage: nsupdate [options...] where [options...] are: -f|-force|--force Force update (Default: check if version current). -h|-help|--help Display this help. --nodbcheck No database schema/replication check after install. --nodbrepcheck No database replication check after install. -reinstall|--reinstall Reinstall current program version without download. -version|--version Display program version. -- Database backup and restore commands: nsdbbackup and nsdbrestore Added remote host name command argument: -h remotehostname (Default: localhost) -- Calibration Add page When launched from point edit page, use last calibration multiplier and base value. -- Rating Assign Add page When launched from point edit page, use last rating assignment parameters for rating number 1. -- Plot Data Display Fixed error when punctuation used in point plot labels. -- View log file Added database replication log file viewing: /usr/ns/log/nsdbrep.log Added NovaStar 5 system log file viewing: /usr/ns/log/nssyslog -- David Leader Thu, 6 Jan 2011 * Update -- Map Edit page Added text readout decimal digit display selection. -- Plot Edit page Added data class selection. Added display score selection to color data background based on nova score. Added decimal digit display selection. -- Plot Data Request page Added display score selection to color data background based on nova score. Added decimal digit display selection. -- Tabular Data Request page Added display score selection to color data background based on nova score. Added decimal digit display selection. -- nsdbrestore Restart Novastar data collection after restore if running before restore. -- nsdbdrop Added quiet argument. -- David Leader Fri, 17 Dec 2010 * Update -- nsupdate,nsupdatedownload Added program to download and install NovaStar 5 update. -- Data Edit page Allow user to set display digits for scaled data. -- Map Data page Fixed javascript error when not logged in. Fixed map background display when image width and height not defined. Fixed default missing data style to include box. Changed display classes on page to allow customization from map.css. Compensate for map image border so point markers and data readouts are not shifted. Use point data score to highlight data values in Data list. Changed map display classes to allow customization: maptitle, mapheader, mapimage, mapmarker, mapline, maptext, mapdata, mapdatalist, mapmenu. -- Map Edit page Added map image class selection to put borders around map image. Added marker use score, marker missing, marker missing score, text missing score. Added text readout decimal digit display selection. Fixed view display of parameters. Set image class to default by default. Show all location parameters without clicking the Scale wizard button. -- Plot Data page Resize buttons hidden if plot panels have fixed sizes. Do not connect two plot points when the second point has the break flag set. -- Plot Edit page Fixed view display of parameters. -- Point Delete page Delete point from map display and alerttalk3 point tables. -- Report Edit page Fixed view display of report parameters. Set report class to default by default. -- User Edit page Password entry is now invisible. Password confirmation required if password changed. -- datadisp Fixed erroneous rain computation when last report in request period was invalid. -- dispshef Added display SHEF reports program. -- nsdbcomp Fixed ETO computation for equations. -- statreport Fixed last report time error for instanteous analysis. -- nsdbbackup Backup database from master host when replication client. -- nsdbcheck New program to check and repair novastar database schema. Drops obsolete schema tables and columns. Adds and truncates data partition tables from start year to next month. Use -startyear argument to truncate data partition tables to this starting year. Start year stored in database configuration table in year_start row. -- nsdbmaintenance Fixed error that tried to create a table data_YYYY_14. Uses nsdbrepcheck to add new data partition tables to replication. -- nsdbrepcheck New program to add tables to database replication when schema changed. -- nsdbrep Added commands for manual switch, failover, and restore replication. -- nshealthcheck Fixed restart for tomcat hang detection. -- nsdbcheck New program to check database table schema. -- nsdbmaintenance Fixed attempt to add data partition data_YYYY_14. -- /usr/ns/gtp files included in novastar5 install. -- alarms and data export use nsh to provide access to /usr/ns/cus path. -- poll_hydro5400 Changed log file extension to .log to support rotation. -- David Leader Wed, 15 Dec 2010 * Update -- Added support for Linux "squeeze" version using postgresql-8.4 and tomcat6. -- Map Edit page Added map image view, upload, and remove buttons. Uploaded map images are stored in folder: /tomcat/local/images Added Read image size button to map scale wizard. Map image display can be resized by changed the image width and height parameters. Added custom map style sheet selection. Custom style sheets are stored in folder: /tomcat/local/styles. Map sytle sheets can define map annotation text classes and point readout display classes. Added map annotations. Annotation can be text or images. Text can be prefixed with a marker. Text style can be selected from a custom style sheet. Annotation can be assigned links to display other pages. Annotation link area can be extended beyond text or image size with width and height. Display parameters key words can be added to the text string that are replaced with: Map number, Map name, Ending time, Display interval, and Data analysis. Added point display setup Added point label to replace point pick list label use for readout tooltip. Added point link and link tooltip definition to override standard link to data editor. Added analysis, display, and time offset interval selection from lists. Storm rainfall and rainfall intensity analyses allow analysis interval selection. Added custom point site marker selection. Custom markers are stored in folder: /tomcat/local/markers. Added choice for line from point site marker to data readout. Added point readout display class selection. Added choice to change point readout display change for data score. Added point readout data units display. Added missing data string entry and hide missing data choice. -- Plot edit page Added plot type selection: vertical or horizontal panels. Added custom plot style sheet selection. Custom style sheets are stored in folder: /tomcat/local/styles. Plot panel changes: Added time anchor, time width, plot time offset to plot panel. Plot annotation changes: Added plot scale selection for horizontal plot annotations. Added vertical plot annotations for time scale. Annotation positions set as time offset from start or end time. Plot point changes: Added point label to replace point pick list label use for readout tooltip. Added analysis, display, and time offset interval selection from lists. Storm rainfall and rainfall intensity analyses allow analysis interval selection. -- Plot request page Added plot scroll interval selection. Added single point plot options: type, line color, line type, line thickness, shape color, shape type, shape fill. -- Report edit page Fixed use of intervals from start time report field. Added display parameter key work insert in report header. Display parameters key words can be added to the text string that are replaced with: Report number, Report name, Ending time, display interval, and Data analysis. Added custom report style sheet and class selection. Custom style sheets are stored in folder: /tomcat/local/styles. Added report type creation for Intervals in rows. Add report rows for time intervals and time offsets. Added report column data type Period time. Fixed display of last report time in interval for Report time selection. Report point list changes: Added analysis, display, and time offset interval selection from lists. Storm rainfall and rainfall intensity analyses allow analysis interval selection. -- Report request page Added report scroll interval selection. Added sortBy=none command argument support to prevent report column sorting. -- Calibration edit page Added Baseset button in Recalibration section. Added selection of baseset point from start and end of report time period. Added base value computation from report raw data value and multiplier. -- Data edit page Fixed error that did not remove calibration records selected for deletion when edit panel closed. -- Scheduler edit page Added execute button to test scheduler command. -- gifgplot Fixed error in extending plot line to right when no data reports available after plot end time but last report plotted is less than no report interval from plot end time. Fixed error in auto-scaling to 0 on lower limit when multiple points plotted and one point had no data. -- datadisp Added -g# command argument to force decimal digit display. -- nsalertxmt Added -z command argument to transmit line entered without translation. -- nsrecdata File calibrated data for line input when data value contains decimal point. Added support for serial port alias. -- David Leader Mon, 22 Nov 2010 * Update -- Home page Added data display selection for home page. Disable on map display page on data list line. Added map selection on home page data display. -- Alerttalk3 edit page Added to system under point list. -- Calibration edit page Fixed display of multiplier for record edit. -- Data edit page Adjust edit ending and starting times to include report time when instantaneous report displays edited. -- Equation edit page Fixed import edit for blank operation columns. -- Rating Assign edit page When point changed after copy, clear effective time error. -- Report edit page Fixed error in report edit when there were null values in report column table. -- Station edit page Save selected latitude/longitude format when OK button clicked. -- nshealthcheck Tomcat health check test defined in configuration file: /usr/ns/etc/nshealthcheck.conf -- nsriversystem Fixed memory error when blank outflow line read from rvparms file. -- sendrpt Fixed multiple source number filing in flags when data filed by reading input file. File data for point numid even if device numid not defined. -- David Leader Tue, 7 Sep 2010 * Update -- Alarm Changed console beep alarm to use beep command. Changed stop option to ACKNOWLEDGEACTION=true Added trigger time index to database create schema. Added console alarm sound file use. -- Alarm action edit page Fixed alarm action service number save for pager actions. Added console alarm sound file support. Added console alarm beep frequency and length. Hide alarm pager list for actions that do not use pagers. -- Alarm action taps pager Fixed pager taps dialout program -- Alarm trigger type Added export alarm trigger type to database create schema. -- Database login password program, nsdbpassword, added to automatic psql commands for non-super users. -- Database replication /usr/ns/etc/dbrep-network.conf - Configuration file containing replication master and backup server names. /usr/ns/install/nsdbrep/nsdbrepsetup - Does a complete replication setup. /usr/ns/install/nsdbrep/nsdbrepdrop - Does a complete replication drop. /usr/ns/bin/nsdbrep - Controls replication state. nsdbrep drop - Removes database replication on the both the master and backup server. nsdbrep setup - Setup of database replication on the master and backup server. nsdbrep stop - Stops replication on the backup server for database maintenance. nsdbrep start - Starts replication on the backup server. nsoverduechk - Does not run automatically on backup server of a replicated system - use -f (force) to override. -- Database restore /usr/ns/bin/nsdbrestore - Drop exiting novastar database before attempting restore. -- Data edit page Eliminated data edit debug popups. -- Map display control nsmapdisplay - Fixed memory error when an alarm triggers had a NULL trigger message. -- Data collection down detection nshealthcheck - Fixed error in detecting data collection down and auto restart when collecting data on two ports and only one port failed. -- Program locks cleared on novastar5 restart. nsunlock - Added lock files removal program. Remove locks files from directories listed in /usr/ns/etc/nsunlock.conf. novastar5 - Remove lock files using program nsunlock on start or restart. nsoverduechk - Fixed program unlock. -- Tomcat database analysis, data insert, rating computation locked for each request to prevent multi-thread overwrite of report data array. Data overwrite caused tomcat crash. /usr/ns/bin/nshealthcheck restart tomcat5 when a map data display lockup is detected. -- Log file rotation Added /usr/ns/log/nssyslog to novastar5 log file rotation list: /etc/logrotate.d/novastar5. -- disprpts - Fixed data display default times to start of day through current time. -- David Leader Wed, 1 Sep 2010 * Update -- ALERT data collection Added alarm notification when data collection stops. Use alarm option -a AlarmTrigger# and -r Interval. For Example: for a 15 minute timeout alarm using trigger #27 nsrecdata /dev/rtdd1 -a27 -r15minute -- Pager email alarm Added support for system alarms such as data collection down. -- All pages Fixed Bottom and Top navigation buttons for IE browser. Replaced javascript links to view other pages or set details to hard links. This allows right clicks on the links to open other windows or tabs. Store NULL strings for empty strings in columns that can be NULL. -- Home page URL to .../NovaStar5/ displays Welcome page. -- Alarm edit page Hide point for system alarm. Show system alarm triggered value for data collection down line number. -- Alarm trigger edit page Hide nova score for system alarm. -- User list page Added sort by roles. -- User edit page Fixed user add. -- User Role edit page Do not allow role delete or name change if assigned to user. -- Data edit page Fixed the row limit error on row copy. -- David Leader Wed, 30 Jun 2010 * Update -- Alarm Action edit page Added email pager FROM option. Modified nspageremail to use alarm action FROM option. -- Calibration edit page Fixed recalibration quiet feature. -- Home page Fixed map pick sort. -- Map Display edit page Added sort of point list fields. Added display of points for single or all units. -- Plot Data Display Changed storage folder for plot images to /temp folder to simplify NFS linkage for external web page servers. -- Rating Assign edit page Fixed rating computation quiet feature. Remember compute rating tool selections for start and end times, quiet execution, and window size. Added print table and print shift buttons. -- Rating Table edit page Added print table buttons. -- Rating Data Display page Added rating table print screen. -- gifgview Added templet, shape, and cfg files required for proper execution -- database tables Removed NOT NULL constraints from boolean columns -- Added SQL functions: devidfrompoint.sql - function that returns the device numid from for a point row. numidfrompoint.sql - function that returns the point numid from for a point row. pointfromnumid.sql - function that returns the point row from a point numid. currentcalibration.sql - command to list the most recent calibration parameters for each point. -- David Leader Wed, 23 Jun 2010 * Update -- nsrecdata Fixed ALERT data collection network reconnect after connection lost. -- nsprintrating Added rating table print program -- Plot display page ( Added command arguments: pointLabelDetails=comma separated list of point details to display in plot legend (case non-specific, spaces not required): Table row number,No.,id, Point ID,pointNumid, Name, Tagname,Tag, Line, Device ID,deviceNumid, Device type,, Station ID,station.numid, Station name,, Station type,, Station tagname,Station Tag,station.tagName, For example: pointNumid,name,devicetype rangeType={auto,fixed,point} plotType={line,point,bar,step,area,steparea} plotLineColor={black,blue,cyan,gray,darkgray,lightgray,green,magenta,orange,pink,red,yellow} plotLineType={solid,dashed,dotted} plotLineThickness={1.0,1.5,2.0,2.5,3.0,3.5,4.0,4.5,5.0} plotShapeColor={black,blue,cyan,gray,darkgray,lightgray,green,magenta,orange,pink,red,yellow} plotShapeType={box,circle,diamond,ellipse,rectangledown,rectangleup,triangleup,triangledown,triangleleft,triangleright} plotShapeFill={true,false} -- Plot edit page Added plot annotations -- Web page support Updated nscvcgibin script to migrate NS4 cgi-bin scripts to NS5 Fixed wlgetcontents and wlgetquery to get command arguments from both get and post requests. -- Automatic station polling Changed HydroLynx 5400 satellite station polling to use start and end time in request to eliminate buffer limits for MSG_FLAG=1. -- Email pagers Fixed nspageremail to use SUBJECT in alarm action options. Fixed encoding of no report alarms. -- Alarm action page Added on acknowldege action choice. Set ACKNOWLEDGEACTION in options. When true, an alarm action is executed when the alarm is acknowledged on the Active alarm list page. Added console beep alarm action that starts nsconsolebeep program. Added nsadas3alarm to trigger Alerttalk3 alarms. Added nsadas3update to trigger Alerttalk3 level report updates. Save alarm action options. -- Active alarm page Fixed dissappearance of alarm box when point or alarm trigger selected in another page. Execute alarm action when alarm action acknowledged and ACKNOWLEDGEACTION option set to true. -- Historic alarm page Fixed error on sort by trigger name. Removed trigger constraint for alarm table. -- Data edit page Fixed error caused by removal of calibration constraint from data table. Fixed error caused by blank rating flags. -- Point edit page Added wind speed recomputation tool. Fixed program nscomputewindspeed to recognize alert wind direction points already defined. Remember validation and wind speed computation tool selections for start and end times, quiet execution, and window size. Removed delete buttons from calibration and rating assign list. -- Calibration edit page Do not remove calibration id from data reports when deleted. Removed calibration constraint from data table. Remember recalibration tool selections for start and end times, action, quiet execution, validate, rating, and window size. -- Nova score edit page Do not remove nova score id from data reports or alarm triggers when deleted. Removed nova score constraint from data table. -- Map display edit page Fixed IE browser javascript error. -- Equation page Added equation data computation tool. Added program nscomputeequation to compute and file equation data. Remember computation tool selections for start and end times, quiet execution, and window size. -- Configuration page Added Alerttalk3 start, stop, restart, status -- Forecast page Added forecast point selection. Forecast point list shows stations with station type names that start with 'forecast'. -- novastar5 Added Alerttalk3 start when enabled in configuration table. -- reportgen Fixed missing data display for invalid point ids. Fixed id parsing from list file when numeric Ids and tag names mixed. Fixed program memory overrun when many points analyzed at the same time. -- gifgview Fixed plot line extension to end of chart. Fixed plot of future times. Fixed clock display when PCX screen image used. Fixed data display when multiple intervals requested. Support rating number select with r1,r2,r3,r4,r5 or R1,R2,R3,R4,R5 -- statreport Fixed total computation for max, mean, min. -- nscomputewindpeed Fixed detection of wind direction sensor. -- nccomputerating Store null ratings when rating index value out of range. -- David Leader Wed, 16 Jun 2010 * Update -- Database replication added Database replication start added to novastar boot start. Novastar user elevated to super-user in database to support replication. -- Mapdisplay page Added map display setup and control software. Map display drivers start added to novastar boot start. Map displays supported over multiple NovaStar servers. -- Data Edit page Fixed raw and scaled data computation when preceded by blank. Fixed calibration computations when multiplier or base value preceded by blank. Fixed calibration record add to new data report. Fixed save of rating data when rows added. Right justify edit fields to make it easier to see data values. Right and left pad edit fields. -- Plot Edit page Increased plot panel limit to 99. Show warning when plot panel limit reached. -- Rating computations Fixed rating computation when index value shifted. -- Data validation Set Break flag on reports with time change greater than data checking interval. -- Alarms Fixed support of alarm actions when action only selected for trigger. New "action" alarm state added to mark alarms that are action only and are not displayed. Alarm trigger actions and reset action work even when alarm is not displayed in list. Alarm actions started with alarmid, triggerid, pointid, alarm time, value, interval. Alarm id no longer required by alarm actions. Added trigger_time index to alarm table. -- Data export alarm trigger New alarm trigger type added to export data. Action is taken for each report filed in database without any limit checking. Data exports are not recorded in alarm table. Data report parameters passed to data export programs are: pointNumericId Date-Time ScaledData RawData Flags Score [RatingValue RatingFlags]... The program nsdataexport will append these parameters to a file. -- Pager alarm actions Fixed pager alarm dial out. -- Active alarm page sound Eliminate sound when muted to prevent no sound card error pop ups. Added console beep selection for warning action to be used by servers with no sound card. To enable console beep, go to Active Alarm List page, clock Options, then select Console beep for the alarm sound. -- Historic Alarm list Fixed list details limit for point, trigger, state. -- Alarm group page Moved page editing to client side. Detect and manage database errors. Provided easy switch between table display and select list of points and triggers. -- Alarm trigger page Moved page editing to client side. Detect and manage database errors. Provided easy switch between table display and select list of alarm actions. -- Alarm action page Moved page editing to client side. Detect and manage database errors. Provided easy switch between table display and select list of alarm pagers. -- Alarm pager page Moved page editing to client side. Detect and manage database errors. -- Alarm state page Moved page editing to client side. Detect and manage database errors. -- Alarm trigger type page Moved page editing to client side. Detect and manage database errors. -- Serial port page Moved page editing to client side. Detect and manage database errors. -- Serial port test program added findserialport will find and display serial ports and modems. It will detect a port that has a test plug that shorts RX to TX (pins 2 to 3). -- User page Fixed user page display java error. Provided easy switch between table display and select list of user roles. -- David Leader Wed, 17 Mar 2010 * Update -- Add data request pages Ending time rounded up to next time increment. -- Map display page Map links to edit, display, plot ended at report time. Correct to end at display end time. End time rounded up to next time list increment to eliminate newest data not displayed. Fixed error in nscopyimage when source file name contains folder path elements. -- Plot display page Plot crashed when 4 panels defined but points only assigned to 1 panel. -- Database Fixed nsdbtrimid when all rows deleted, new first row will be assigned id 1. sendrpt did not adjust data report time stored when timezone changed, e.g. TZ=gmt00. Fixed sendrpt of double filing and validation checking when timezone changed. nsh modified to set user and system timezone for use by sendrpt to detect timezone change. -- Alarms Fixed error in logging alarms that had a trigger message. -- Data edit page Fixed data edit add. Fixed display of report time when report added. -- Rating table edit page Fixed display of rating index when rating pair added. Fixed rating row movement for record saved. -- Rating assign edit page Reting recompute ending time rounded up to next time interval after current time. Added quiet command argument to speed up rating recomputation. -- Point edit page Revalidation ending time rounded up to next time interval after current time. Added quiet command argument to speed up data revalidation. -- Calibration edit page Recalibration ending time rounded up to next time interval after current time. Added quiet command argument to speed up data revalidation. Added action command argument to set or recompute recalibration. Added rating command argument to recompute ratings after recalibration. Added revalidate command argument to revalidate data after recalibration. -- Rating computation Fixed rating computation optimization that caused incorrect persistance of previously read rating rows. -- David Leader Wed, 17 Feb 2010 * Update -- Report display page Fixed error that used same point data for all rows in a points in row table. -- Plot display page Plot view launched from plot display returns to display. Point view launched from plot display returns to plot display. Plot data details launched from plot display returns to plot display. Fixed error in sizing plot panels for multiple plot panels. Fixed data list sort. -- Plot edit page Fixed plot panel copy. Added plot options to set type of scaling (auto,point,fixed) and plot scale limits. -- Map display page Fixed map point link command arguments. Fixed point edit page display from map point menu. -- Home page Added NovaStar 5 logo to header banner. Added NovaStar 5 icon to address bar. Added link to hide/restore header banner. -- Menu Added link to hide/restore menu. Moved map, plot, report edit links to data section. -- David Leader Tue, 26 Jan 2010 * Update -- Custom reports Added program dispdate to display formatted date and time. -- Rating assign page Fixed open point display for view action. -- Rating table page Added button to assign next table number. Moved rating table menu to Point sub-menu. -- Plot group page added Added plot, plot_panel, and plot_point tables. Added page to setup plot groups to plot multiple point data on overlaid and stacked plots. Added stacked plot panels. Each plot panel can have its own title, width, and height. Added plot type selection: line - connects plotted points with a line point - plots data points with no connecting line. bar - plot histograms step - connects plotted points with stepped line area - fills area under plotted line steparea - fills area under plotted stepped line Added multiple plot scale support: left, right, second right, third right... Added stacked plot colors based on data limits, 10 limit maximum. Added line color selection: black,blue,cyan,gray,gray dark,gray light,green,magenta,orange,pink,red,yellow Added line type selection: solid, dashed, dotted. Added line thickness selection: 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, ... Added plot point shape selection: none,box,circle,diamond,ellipse,rectangle,triangle Added plot point shape color selection (can be different from line color): black,blue,cyan,gray,gray dark,gray light,green,magenta,orange,pink,red,yellow Added plot point shape fill selection: filled, not filled. Added Display button for a quick display using last request parameters. -- Plot request page Added selection of plot group or plot point. -- Plot display page Added print button to prepare page for printing and launch the print action. -- Map display page Added print button to prepare page for printing and launch the print action. -- Report page Added Display button for a quick display using last request parameters. -- Report display page Fixed data grab for multiple points - last update repeated first point data for all points. Added print button to prepare page for printing and launch the print action. -- Tabular data display page Added print button to prepare page for printing and launch the print action. -- Data request pages Show next year in list when month is December. Start year read from configuration table row named year_start; default is 1980. -- David Leader Tue, 12, Jan 2010 * Update -- All programs Changed database access to grab data in bursts to speed up data processing. -- Added programs for apache web page cgi-bin support. gifgview - Creates GIF maps using NovaStar 4 GTP templet files gifglot - Plots trend charts as GIF files. gifgxlat - Creates GIF images from NovaStar 4 GTP templet files datadisp - Displays point data in same format as NovaStar 4 program version. dbhd - Display point information. nscvcgibin - Convert NovaStar 4 cgi-bin files for NovaStar 5. -- ALERT 2 data collection support added Start program nsrecdata with command option: -G alert2 to read ALERT2 data reports. -- Map display page Fixed plot scale, units, and decimal digit display of rating data with inverse computation. Use request display interval if point analysis interval is 0. -- Plot display page Added new control to select plot limits from point, auto-scale, or fixed (user entered). Plot limit auto-scale now functions like NovaStar 4. Fixed plot scale, units, and decimal digit display of rating data with inverse computation. Always show rating analysis selection. -- Report display page Fixed plot scale, units, and decimal digit display of rating data with inverse computation. Use request display interval if point analysis interval is 0. -- Tabular display page Fixed plot scale, units, and decimal digit display of rating data with inverse computation. -- Automatic interrogations Fixed memory leak on nsautointer that consumed system memory and crashed program. -- Logging Save novastar program messages in /usr/ns/log/nssyslog. Added file/etc/rsyslog.d/novastar5.conf to define novastar logging. -- Cron Rename /etc/cron.d/novastar to novastar5 for program version consistancy. Rename /etc/cron.d/novastar-user to novastar5-user for program version consistancy. -- David Leader Fri, 04 Nov 2009 * Update -- Map page Moved map images from NovaStar5/image folder to local/image folder to protect from NovaStar 5 updates. Fixed scale wizard error when computing X/Y scales and initial values are zero. Added map end latitude and longitude columns to database table. Added map image width and height columns to database table. Added image file select from file list read from local/images. -- Map display page Prefix map image file names with /local/images. -- Scheduler page Set command execute permission when saved. -- Device type page Moved page edit to client side. -- Point page Moved page edit to client side. Changed station reset button to change point name to station name. Click point name reset button to change point name to station name and device type. -- Station page. Moved page edit to client side. Change name reset button so first click assigns station name to point names, second click assigns station name and device type. Insure that point numid and tagname added when station added are unique. Point names do not have to be unique. Fixed delete of points when station deleted. -- Station type page. Moved page edit to client side. -- View log file page. Added NovaStar 5 system log to file view list. -- Home page Show selected map for View and Show Data buttons instead of last map data requested. -- ALERT data collection Fixed nsrecdata network listen for data collection in line format. Prevent recalibration of rain or encoder sensor data when data checking change is 0. Fixed station source check failure when source number contained a 0 digit. -- Remove decimal seconds from times in alarm, calibration, data, rating_assign, scheduler, station tables. -- Added disabled device status line support. Replaced device status in use and fixed state columns with a single use column. Device status use column has 4 states: disabled, enabled, fixed off, and fixed on. -- Update installation Fixed alarm_trigger schema to include name. Fixed ALERT data collection restart failure. Optimized database update script to prevent improve install time. -- Moved NovaStar5 system files to folders /usr/share/novastar5. -- David Leader Thu, 22 Oct 2009 * Update -- Fixed rainfall analysis computation of -0.00 due to rounding errors. Negative rain is now set to 0. -- Added listen on URL:port to nsrecdata program. -- Point edit page Moved page edit to client side. Added button to revalidate data for a selected time period. -- Calibration edit page Moved page edit to client side. Added button to recalibrate data for a selected time period. Added new program nsdbrecalibrate to recalibrate point data reports. -- Fixed data filing error that prevented revalidation updates. -- David Leader Mon, 28 Sep 2009 * Update -- Fixed menu so right click context menu is supported. -- Fixed data validation of rain (counter) data to prevent negative changes from being validated. -- Log File Request page Added display columns field. -- Log File Display page Page refresh is now done on client side: New log file lines are appended to display window without requiring a redraw. Fix scroll problem with updates: For ascending sort new lines are appended to the bottom of the display window which is scrolled to the bottom. For descending sort new lines are inserted at top of display window which is scrolled to the top. Scrolling the display window pauses the window updates. Updates will resume when the Resume button is clicked or the display window loses focus. Added a Stop control button to pause the window updates. Added an Update control button to manually update the display window. Added a Clear control button to clear the display window. Added a Resort control button to reverse the display sort direction. Added control buttons to increase display window length and width. Added an Apply button to save the display parameters in a browser cookie for persistance. Detach button launches a new window with the current display parameters. -- Active alarm page Added alarm check timer when user logged in as operator or administrator. Added option to set refresh interval. Added option to set display interval for active alarms. Added disable interval length when disabling alarms. Added scope selection (private/system) for disable/enable alarms. Refresh page when alarm list or display status changes. Remove alarm trigger type list and alarm state list from menu. -- Historic alarm page Added start and end time selection to page. -- Alarm action page Fixed alarm action type display for silent alarms (previously showed sound alarm type). Added many warning sounds to list. Added play button to hear warning sounds. -- Alarm group list page Display alarm groups for point id. -- Data request details Made valid data the default selection. -- Map data display Added right click pop up menu on readouts. Added rating number to point name in data list and point label in tooltip display. Append analysis string to point label in tooltip display. Append data units and analysis interval to data report in data list. Show point analysis interval instead of display interval if not storm rain or rain intensity. Added analysis column to data list. Data edit page launched with current time instead of time page was displayed. -- Plot data display Show data report units in data list. Data edit page launched with current time instead of time page was displayed. Fixed back button on plot data display page. -- Report data display Fixed back button on report data display page. -- Report data details page Report data detail selection shows column names instead of generic column1, column2, ... Report data detail selection limited to sort changes. -- Tabular data display Show data report units in data list. Data edit page launched with current time instead of time page was displayed. Fixed back button on plot data display page. -- Data edit page. Fixed data report delete delay - do not update data or calibration table sequence number. Fixed edit of 5 rating table values. -- All list detail pages Moved list detail selection to client side. Added second and third sort fields to list detail selection. -- Rating table edit page Moved page edit to client side. -- Rating assign edit page Moved page edit to client side. Fixed time error when a new rating number was added with the same time as another rating number. -- Map table database update Added database not-null name column constraint for map table. Added database number and name column unique constraint for map table. Added database description column to map table. -- Report table database update Added database number and name column unique constraint for report table. -- Rating table database update Added database number and name column unique constraint for rating table. Fixed memory overrun when filing 5 rating values. -- Added ntpdate to the install script. Ntpd would not sync time until time was close. Use ntpdate to do manual update then automatic ntp will work. -- Fixed scheduler page. Added database name column unique constraint for scheduler table. Moved page edit to client side. Execute nscronupdate on save to write schedule to /etc/cron.d/novastar-user. -- Fixed alarm action page. Added database name column unique constraint for alarm_action table. -- Fixed alarm group page. Added database name column unique constraint for alarm_group table. -- Fixed alarm pager page. Added database name column unique constraint for alarm_pager table. -- Fixed alarm state page. Added database name column unique constraint for alarm_state table. -- Fixed alarm trigger page. Added database name column unique constraint for alarm_trigger table. -- Fixed alarm trigger type page. Added database name column unique constraint for alarm_trigger_type table. -- Fixed device class page. Added database name column unique constraint for data_flag table. -- Fixed data flag page. Added database name column unique constraint for device_class table. -- Fixed device type page. Added database name column unique constraint for device_type table. -- Fixed equation page. Added database name column unique constraint for equation table. -- Fixed nova score page. Added database name column unique constraint for nova_score table. -- Fixed serial port page. Added database name column unique constraint for serial_port table. -- Fixed station page. Added database name column unique constraint for station table. Added station poll line and receive lines to list details. -- Fixed station type page. Added database name column unique constraint for station_type table. -- David Leader Wed, 23, Sep 2009 * Update -- Fixed data edit page interpolation of data reports for multiple selections. -- Fixed data filing for HydroLynx 5400 satellite stations. -- David Leader Mon, 03 Aug 2009 * Update -- Fixed data edit page error when no calibration records before start time. -- Fixed point edit page - set point OOS to station OOS for new station points. -- Fixed point delete error when alarm record for point. -- Fixed report edit page error when report column table columns were null. -- Fixed report display error when report column table columns were null. -- David Leader Fri, 24 Jul 2009 * Update -- Fixed rating assign page errorMessage error. -- Update active alarm page. When Acknowledge clicked, only update unacknowledged alarms. Do not show acknowledge button if no unacknowledged alarms. Added acknowledge message. Added alarm restore button when alarms are silenced. -- Fixed map edit page X/Yoffset error for numbers greater than 999. -- Fixed data edit page. Calibration changes are saved properly. When returning to page after changing details displayed, previous report is opened for editing. -- David Leader Wed, 22 Jul 2009 * Update -- Added name and description columns to alarm_trigger table for identification. -- Updated alarm trigger page. Added alarm trigger test at bottom of page. Add action defaults action only to false, met to true, and unmet to false. -- Added options column to alarm_action table to support pager command options. -- Update alarm action page. Added pager command option setup for email, taps, digital, analog pagers. -- Updated alarm action sounds. Alarms sound when alarm action is blank or "warning". Alarm sound file can be entered in alarm action after warning. For example: "warning alarm.wav". Alarm sound files must be saved in $webroot/NovaStar5/sounds. For silent alarms use action: warning silent -- Alarm test command added: nsalarmtest. Usage: nsalarmtest [-i PointNumid | -p PointId ] -a AlarmTriggerId [options...] -- Alarm trigger actions are started as: actionname AlarmId ActionId -- Alarm reset commands are started as: actionname AlarmId ActionId -reset -- Fixed persistance of default process id when alarm actions are started. -- Alarm pager email command differentiates between alarm triggers and resets in subject line and alarm message. -- Added pager taps, digital, analog alarm action commands: nspagertaps, nspagerdigital, nspageranalog. -- Added alarm reset logic to nsoverduechk. Active alarms are reset if no new reports are received within the reset interval. The reset interval is the alarm trigger reset interval if defined, otherwise it is the point data checking interval. -- Added unmet action trigger for no report alarm triggers. -- Map point placement on map uses x and y offset only if map origin is 0,0 and scales are 1,1. When x and y offset are used, the site marker is not shown. -- Fixed data edit on map when last edit start time was greater than map display time. -- David Leader Thu, 09 Jul 2009 * Update -- Save NovaStar5 change log in /usr/ns/doc/changelog. -- Program nspageremail reads system_name from configuration table. -- Added point indexing to data table. -- Added data table primary key and foreign key constraints to data table partitions. -- Added nsdbcheck program to repair data table partition schema. -- Added latitude/longitude decimal degree display to reportgen with .D format. For example, to display the latitude in decimal degrees: %lat[1].10.5.D -- Insert data report fully supports rating table arrays. -- Data insert returns error form display on web page.-- Fixed database changes not displayed in list after returning from edit pages. Restart database session with each page to eliminate database persistance. -- Fixed database record add and delete errors. Execute nsdbtrimid after record deletes. -- Fixed alarm display of parameters from other tables such as point, trigger, and state. -- Fixed pager select list for alarm action. Create pick list labels of pager records in list. -- Allow existing alarm triggers to be assigned to alarm groups. -- Restructured data edit page to work with Internet Explorer. Moved edit activites to client side to eliminate server redraw delays. Optimized parameter search in form to overcome Internet Explorer lack of name indexing. Added table field editing with tab and shift tab support to scroll through fields. -- Fixed map edit point add, delete, edit. Xoffset and Yoffset saved correctly. -- Fixed report edit of columns and points. -- David Leader Fri, 26 Jun 2009 * Update -- Added email pager alarms. -- Added utility nsprintinterval. -- Added utility nsdbvalidate to revalidate point data reports. -- Fixed sort of report pages. -- Fixed alarm pager assignment to alarm actions. -- David Leader Wed, 29 Apr 2009 * Update -- Fixed segmentation error in statreport when system name not defined. -- Added sendmail to install for pager email alarms (replaces exim4). -- Added nsdbtrimid to reset next table id to next available. -- Added NS4X statreport import into group table. -- Force install of NovaStar 5 version of /etc/tomcat5.5/tomcat-users.xml -- Moved map edit validate and location display controls to client side. -- Updated map point edit to support multiple selection, change, and delete. -- Fixed report display of column interval data. -- Add totals to report display. -- Add selection of point identifier in report. -- David Leader Tue, 14 Apr 2009 * Update -- File rating table data if point rating enabled. -- Fixed datacollection filing error for version -- Added rating value recomputation in rating assign page. -- Added command output display on configuration page for alert and autointer data collection start, stop, restart, and status. -- David Leader Mon, 07 Apr 2009 * Update -- Added rating table support. -- Added apache2 and php5 in install. -- David Leader Mon, 30 Mar 2009 * Update -- Added multiple receive line support for stations. -- Fixed database creation after drop when novastar user still remains. -- Fixed map display of data analysis when analysis parameter set to default. -- Added multiple receive line support for stations. -- Added database editor. -- Linked database editor to data displays. -- David Leader Fri, 20 Mar 2009 * Update -- Fixed listen error on ALERT receive data on network ports. -- Fixed report display error when using report interval resulted in 0 length interval. Interval length changed to difference from start to end time. -- Fixed report delete when report columns were defined. -- Fixed report display error when report with fewer columns is displayed. -- Removed report point and column edit pages. Points and columns are added and removed on report page. -- Added pick list details control. -- Added user assigned numeric IDs to reports and maps. -- David Leader Tue, 10 Mar 2009 * Update -- Added command execution from web pages. -- Fixed disprpt command arguments for time and reverse order. -- Fixed alert data collection, automatic interrogation start|stop|restart from configuration edit pages. -- David Leader Fri, 27 Feb 2009 * Update -- Show program version in novastar5. -- Fixed device type save when status lines were disabled. -- David Leader Thu, 26 Feb 2009 * Update -- Added novastar5 group. -- Added tabular,plot,map,report DataDisplay pages. -- Detect and warn of invalid parameters. -- David Leader Mon, 23 Feb 2009 * Update -- Added statreport, reportgen and preciprpts programs. -- Updated libraries for statreport, reportgen and preciprpts program support. -- Fixed Device type add new status lines or flags. -- David Leader Tue, 17 Feb 2009 * Update -- Merged device and point tables. -- Points have a device Id and a point Id. -- Split alert wind speed/direction into two points. -- Fixed socket reopen in nsrecdata when closed by remote. -- Added support for status and flag device type names. -- Added equation data computation when new data reports are filed. -- Show active alarm flasher above menu when alarm is active or reset, but not off or acknowledged. -- Restore plot limits manually entered when go back to plot request page. -- Save status line names and states in device_status table. -- Save flag names in device_flag table. -- Added equation user interface. -- David Leader Wed, 21 Jan 2009 * Update -- Add ALERT data read from socket. -- Point lookup for ALERT data uses receive data line number. -- Install loads ntp and rsyslog applications. -- Change about page to show release version number. -- Active alarm displays all alarms not off. -- Data edit pages allows edit of data source number in flags. -- David Leader Wed, 31 Dec 2008 * Update -- Fixed data collection and auto interrogation start on boot. -- Upgraded from tomcat5 to tomcat5.5. -- Fixed calendar bean and plot range reset on request pages. -- Added plot graph resizing. -- Show plot ending time and display interval -- Upgraded from tomcat5 to tomcat5.5. -- Fixed home page map selection when map list changed. -- Alarm group delete does not do recursive delete of alarm groups assigned to alarm triggers. -- Plot data no longer crashes when advanced options shown. -- Plot width and height added to page to make fix. -- David Leader Fri, 07 Nov 2008 * Update -- Fixed javascript links for Internet Explorer. -- Fixed data collection and auto interrogation start on boot. -- David Leader Thu, 25 Sep 2008 * Update -- Added home page selection. -- Fixed receive data log viewer. -- David Leader Wed, 24 Sep 2008 * Update -- Fixed point readout decimal digits on map data display. -- David Leader Tue, 16 Sep 2008 * Update -- Fixed partitioned data table insert and updates. -- David Leader Mon, 4 Aug 2008 * Update -- Fixed list details lastrow script error -- David Leader Wed, 30 Jul 2008 * Update -- Partitioned data table -- David Leader Tue, 15 Jul 2008 * Standard Release -- David Leader Tue, 24 Jun 2008